Threat of the Dragon Hunters

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File:Headmaster icon.png

I've received word that the dastardly Dragon Hunters have begun an attack on an island near Dragon's Edge. All dragon trainers must go to Hobblegrunt Island and help repel the attack! I wish I could be there with you, but my first priority must be to protect the school. Thorspeed, student!

1- Use the Taxi to go to Hobblegrunt Island


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good timing, [your Viking's name]! We could really use your help.

We have two main priorities: protect the baby Hobblegrunts and defeat the Dragon Hunters! It'll be too hard to try to stop them from nabbing dragons if they get to land, so we need to stop them here and now.

2- Shoot the closest Dragon Hunter ship


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good shot!

Shoot the ship again!

3- Shoot the ship again


File:Hiccup icon.png

We're close to taking the ship down. Give it one more solid hit!

4- Shoot the ship

[animation fo Dragon Hunters' ship sinking]


File:Astrid icon.png

Great shot, [your Viking's name]! That was one in a million.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh no! [Your Viking's name], help! Meatlug and I have been practicing this secret shot with Gronckle Iron, but I dropped the bag near the nest! Can you find it for me?

5- Find Fishlegs' satchel on the island


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Yes, that's it!

Please, fly up and give it to me!

6- Give the satchel to Fishlegs

[animation of Meatlug firing at the ship]


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Woohoo! It worked!

[animation of the drgon hunter ships sailing away]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good job, dragon riders! They'll be back later, but I'll take any victory right now.

We need to douse this flame! We need to remove the flame's oxygen source to extinguish it--water or sand are the easy solutions.

We didn't bring any containers to carry water so we'll need to find sand. Can you figure out a way to get sand onto the fire?

7- Shoot the cliff to dump sand on the nest


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good job. We'll need to clean up their nest, but a bit of a mess is better than it burning!

Okay! Now that the nest is--you know, not on fire--let's get these baby dragons calm. Can you find the baby Hobblegrunts and click/tap on them? Use your training to direct them back to the nest.

8- Click on the baby Hobblegrunt to confort him/her (3)


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow, you're doing amazing! Those dragons really took a shine to you. Your training is really paying off.

File:Astrid icon.png

Hiccup, there's a strange boat coming towards Dragon's Edge. We need to get back and check it out right away!

9- Fly out to Dragon's Edge


File:Astrid icon.png

I don't see--wait, there he is. He docked his ship and walked right in. Who does that?

File:! icon.png

Who is this stranger, and what does he want from Dragon' Edge?

10- Who is this confident stranger? Talk to him

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Well met! I am Harald Forkbeard: trader, navigator, and master of adventure at your service. I hope you don't mind that I made myself at home. This island was one of my old haunts and I stopped by when I found myself in a bit of trouble.

You see, I had a slight disagreement with these Dragon Hunters. I offered them my wares at very reasonable prices, but they tried to steal everything instead. How insulting! I only trade with upstanding vikings, so I sailed away.

I need a place to lay low while I upgrade my ship. If I run into these brigands again, I need to be able to outrun them on the open sea. I hop you don't mind my staying here with you. Your dragons are amazing! I'm sure they can protect me.
