New Student/2013-2015

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File:Gobber icon.png

Hi, I'm Gobber the Belch! Ah, all your classmates are already on board the boat to school! That boat is going to set sail with or without ya! Get a move on. Follow the wooden path behind me to the boat. When you're on a quest, the arrow will help show you the path.

1 - Hurry to the dock to catch the boat

Trigger: Walking a bit.

File:Gobber icon.png

You can zoom into your Viking by Mobile placing two fingers on the screen and moving them in opposite directions! You can zoom out with the gesture in reverse!/Desktop [missing dialogue].

Before you race off to catch your boat, let's set up your controls.

Trigger: It sends to a now-defuncted feature that allowed you to modify the control layout. After exiting and walking a bit more, you are prompted the Name your Viking popup. With enough walking to the destination, the boat will begin to drift away, and both Hiccup and Toothless are there.

File:Gobber icon.png

You'll need to be faster than that if you want to make it at the School of Dragons!

Well lad/lassie, today's your lucky day! Hiccup's standing over there with a "?" above his head. A "?" means that Viking can aid you along your quest. Go talk to Hiccup.

2 - Talk to Hiccup at the dock


File:Hiccup icon.png

Hey, I'm Hiccup. This is Toothless! Don't worry, I'll make sure you get to school on time. I'm glad you're coming to the School of Dragons! You'll need to work hard to become the ultimate dragon trainer... but trust me, it's worth it.

I was going to take Toothless for a ride out that way. We can take you there! Click/Tap on my dragon.

3 - Click/Tap on Toothless at the dock

Trigger: It will load a very cloudy area with rings, reminiscent of a now-defunct Taxi system - players clicked on Stokerhead and they'd need to fly through rings to get from one place to another.

File:Hiccup icon.png

It's beautiful up here, don't you think?
Toothless and I love flying.

Let me give you the first dragon flying lesson.
Toothless is already an expert flyer. You just need to tell him where!

Trigger: Flight buttons pop up, green arrow points at the boost button.

File:Hiccup icon.png

This is the boost button. Click/Tap it for a short boost, or hold it down for a long sprint. Your dragon will slow down once you let go.
Trigger: Green arrow now points at the brake button.

File:Hiccup icon.png

This is the brake button. Click it to slow down, or hold it down to stop your dragon.
Trigger: Green arrow now points at the fire button.

File:Hiccup icon.png

To tell your dragon to shoot a fireball, click the fireball button! It can take a second or two for your dragon to get ready to fire another one after the first.
Cutscene: The camera following Toothless flying into the School's cenote crack and revealing the school.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Beats taking the boat, don't you think? Welcome to the School of Dragons!

I want to show you the Adventurer's Journal. Your journal is a record of all your adventures in Berk, just like mine. You can always look at it to see what you need to do next. Click/Tap on it now. It's the book on the upper right of the screen.

4 - Open up the Adventurer's Journal

Trigger: Green Arrow pointing at the Journal, clicking on it will give a popup explaining the Journal.

File:! icon.png

Welcome to the Adventurer's Journal! The bookmarks on the top show different pages about your Viking, your quests, and your dragons!
Note: You had to close it in order to progress.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Perfect! It's a really useful tool. Sometimes you'll get stuck on a quest and need some clues. Let me show you a lifesaver that will help you out. It's opn the upper right side of your screen. Check it out now!

5 - Open the help button to hints

Note: This features is now defunct.
Trigger: A green arrow will point at it, clicking on it will open the help popup.

File:! icon.png

The Help button will aid you with your quests. To close, click the icon again.

File:Hiccup icon.png

See? It has great advice to help you complete your quests!

You can't become a student without your own dragon. If you head south past the main building, you'll find the Hatchery. It's a cave guardged by two statues.

Go inside to pick out the dragon you want to raise!

6 - Visit the Hatchery


File:Gobber icon.png

What took you so long to get here? I've been waiting for ages!

This is the Hatchery. Every dragon at this school is born here!

First, check out each dragon here to learn more about them. When you're ready to choose, talk to me. A quick test will show you what dragon fits well with your personality!

7 - Take the dragon personality test


File:Gobber icon.png

Interesting result! Of course, it's just a suggestion. You can pick any dragon you like!

It's time to pick your own dragon egg. The eggs are in nests deeper inside the Hatchery. Click/Tap on the nest you like. Once you have the egg you want, place it in the Dragon Hearth. That's the pool of lava in the middle of the cavern.

8 - Choose an egg inside the hatchery and hatch it

Note: Prior to an unknown update, you had to literally take it to the Dragon Hearth. This was also prior to the July 6th, 2014, v7.1 - Stables Update, where you could only train one Dragon.

File:! icon.png

Once your dragon hatches, the two of you are bonded for life. You cannot get another dragon!
If you want to choose another egg, select the release button.
Trigger: After taking the egg to the Dragon Hearth, a cutscene that still remains intact to this day shows the pedastal rising from the lava with the egg. Afterwards, the Dragon Customization will pop up. After customize and name it, another intact cutscene of the hatchling waking up and bonding with the Viking plays.

File:Gobber icon.png

What a beauty of a dragon! I'm right chuffed by your choice!

Hiccup's waiting for you outside the Hatchery. He'll give you some pointers on taking care of your new dragon. Before you go, I'll explain how these dragon meters work and how to use them.

Trigger: Green arrow pointing at the Energy bar.

File:! icon.png

This is the energy bar. Feed fish to your dragon to keep this full. If the bar gets too low, your dragon will be too tired to ride or fly on.
Trigger: Green arrow pointing at the Happiness bar.

File:! icon.png

This is the happiness bar. Play with and pet your dragon to keep this full. If the bar gets too low, your dragon will be mad and refuse to help you.

The journey is just getting started, there is so much more to learn about your dragon.

9 - Meet Hiccup outside of the Hatchery


File:Hiccup icon.png

Nice dragon! Hey little fella. Uh oh, look at the energy meter. It's low! This means your Dragon's name is hungry! Here, I have a fish on me. I'll put you it in your Backpack.
Item Received: 1 Perch

Dragons love fish! Click/Tap your Dragon's name, click/tap on the eating utensils, and then choose the fish.

10 - Click/Tap on your dragon to feed it


File:Hiccup icon.png

Great! Feeding your Dragon's name has increased his Energy meter. Make sure to keep an eye on it, and don't let it get too low! You can take a fishing lessson later.

Your Dragon's name is a growing dragon and needs a lot of attention. A dragon is happier after it plays with you! Let's try it now. Click/Tap on your Dragon's name and then click/tap on the eel. You can click/tap on the bouncing ball, too.

11 - Click/Tap on your dragon to play Eel Roast

Note: Clicking on the Play Menu also counts.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Well done! The Happiness meter increased and your Dragon's name is happier!

Dragon trainers neeed to do more than just keep the dragons happy. Eventually, you'll need to ride them and fly high across the sky! You won't be able to do that without some serious training.

Your Dragon's name is too small to fly, but you can learn with our Hero Dragons. Go over to the Flight Club training tower to check them out. That's the Tall building over the bridge.

12 - Go to Flight Club in the school

Note: Prior to the October 15th, 2014, v1.9.0 Update, Training Grounds and Lookout didn't existed.


  • Before players loaded into the game, they were greeted with this video

File:BoD Intro.en-us.mp4