New Student

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New Student is the very first Quest players get to complete, it acts as a tutorial and introduction to the game. For a in-depth look at its history, go to History section.



File:Hiccup icon.png

Hey, are you all right, your Viking's name? That cave collapse was no joke. Give me a hand, will you? Use the movement controls to walk here and click/tap on me.

1 - Walk forward and click/tap on Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

I’m glad you’re okay. I guess our investigation about potential Dragon Hunters lurking in these caves paid off, it seems they had a camp right under our feet this entire time.

I’d like to meet up with Toothless again, but there are a few cages here that might have dragons in them.

We can’t just leave them. I’ll start opening this other one, do you think you could handle the one on your right?

That lock looks rusted, though... Maybe there’s an axe somewhere around here...

2 - Find the Axe in the Cave

Trigger: An arrow pointing at the Jump button pops up.

File:Hiccup icon.png

This is the jump button. You can click it or press the spacebar to jump up into the air!
Trigger: Picking up the axe.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Perfect! That axe looks strong enough. I'm sure it can chop the padlock off the dragon cage without a problem!

3 - Chop the Padlock on the Dragon Cage

File:News hiccup unlocking.png
Hiccuo unlocking a cage.

File:Hiccup icon.png

All right, that did the trick!

Be careful. Even baby dragons can be dangerous when frightened. Step forward and click/tap on the cage door to open it. After that, just trust your instincts!

Hey, don't worry, you got this.

4 - Click/Tap on the Dragon Cage

Trigger: You are given a popup that lets you choose between a Deadly Nadder, Gronckle, Hideous Zippleback, or Monstrous Nightmare. Afterwards, you get to customize and name it. Once you confirm you choices, a Cutscene plays in of your Viking bonding with the baby.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Whoa, that was unexpected. Who would have thought you two would bond so quickly?

You’re a natural at this! Well, mission accomplished!

Now, what do you say we find a way out of here?

5 - Look for a way out of the Cave


File:Hiccup icon.png

This must be the heaviest part of the cave-in. With all these boulders piled up, this might be a dead end for us.

Your Dragon's name is only a Tiny Tooth, so their dragon fire isn't quite enough to shatter that rock. But they are very close, and we can help them to grow.

Item Received: 1 File:Dragons adult token.png

This will allow us to take a dragon straight to Broad Wing Stage! I'll show you how.

Trigger: The Age-Up menu icon will popup and blink, click/tap on it will bring the Age-Up menu. You have to Age-Up your Dragon in order to progress. Once you age the Dragon, the customization menu will popup. This is the last time you get to change your Dragon's colors without a 15 Gems fee until you Titan them.

File:Hiccup icon.png

All right, let's try this now! Look for a weak spot in the rocks, then have your Dragon's name shoot some fireballs!

You can do this by click/taping on the Cave-In and selecting the Fire button.

6 - Click/Tap on the Cave-In


File:Hiccup icon.png

That was perfect!

Wait... What's that? Is that a chest?

7 - Pick up the Chest


File:Hiccup icon.png

A box of dragon eggs...

Those Dragon Hunters are getting bolder than we expected.

Well, one problem at a time. Your Viking's name, can you follow the path of the cave and figure out a way to set up a signal?

My friends should be nearby, they'll be able to help us out!

8 - Leave the Cave


File:Hiccup icon.png

There’s a good spot for a signal fire. Would you ask your Dragon's name to shoot it?

9 - Click/Tap on the Fire Pit to Light a Signal Fire


File:Hiccup icon.png

That’s not going to be enough; the fire is just too small...

I’ll get some more wood stacked; can you grab some green leaves to help make this fire more smokey?

10 - Collect Green Leaves (5)

File:News hiccup firepit.png
Hiccup arranging a pack of twigs.
Note: Your Dragon will likely help you pick them up, teaching the Dragon's ability to help on fetch quests.
Trigger: A cutscene will play after picking the leaves.

File:Astrid icon.png

There you are! Glad to see you're safe.

Oh? I don’t think we’ve met, have we?

Your Viking's name? It's great to meet you, I’m Astrid. Seems that Hiccup's gotten himself in over his head again, huh?

He's lucky he has good people like you around to help him out. And that’s one incredible dragon you’ve found, wow!


File:Hiccup icon.png

Your Viking's name bonded with your Dragon's name right away, you should’ve seen it, Astrid. I bet they’ll be flying together in no time. Speaking of which...

your Viking's name let’s do a quick flying lesson. I’ll show you the ropes!

First, click/tap on the Mount button to climb aboard your dragon.

11 - Mount your Dragon's name

Note: You can press R to mount.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Alright! your Dragon's name is ready to go. Now, you just have to learn how to fly! Why don't you get used to the controls and soar through these rings?

Click/Tap on the Jump button twice to get up into the air and we can go from there.

Trigger: Once you jump twice, the flight tutorial will be triggered.

File:Hiccup icon.png

This is the boost button. Click/Tap it for a short boost, or hold it down for a long sprint. Your dragon will slow down once you let go.

This is the brake button. Click/Tap it to slow down, or hold it down to stop your dragon.

12 - Fly through the Rings (5)

File:News hiccup waiting.png
Hiccup and Toothless waiting for the player.
Note: You can either follow Hiccup or just fly directly into the rings, both will count.

File:Hiccup icon.png

You're a natural!

Now that you've got the hang of this, follow me and Toothless! Come on, I want to show you something cool!

13 - Follow Hiccup and Toothless

Trigger: A cutscene of Hiccup riding Toothless, Astrid riding Stormfly, and your Viking riding your Dragon will fly into The School's cenote crack, revealing the School and the School of Dragon's logo. It switches to Tuffnut and Ruffnut riding Barf & Belch and Chicken making them company, they walk by Heather and her laboratory. Next scene is Valka walking by Snotlout waving at her, and his Dragon, Hookfang, sometimes happens that makes Snotlout faint. The final scene is Gobber and his Dragon, Grump, going for a walk, the camera shifts to Fishlegs with his Dragon, Meatlug, talking to The Headmaster. It ends with the Headmaster walking up to the camera.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Welcome to the School of Dragons! I have a feeling you’ll fit right in.

Can you give the box of dragon eggs that you found to the Headmaster of the School? You can't miss him – he's the stout one with all the hair!

14 - Deliver the Dragon Eggs to the Headmaster


File:Headmaster icon.png

You come highly recommended from the Chieftain of Berk himself. Welcome, your Viking's name. So, are you ready to learn how to become the Ultimate Dragon Trainer?

Now your Viking's name, you can learn about the many things we have to offer here at the School through our Branch Quests [sic]

15 - Check out the Branch Quests


File:Headmaster icon.png

This is the Branch Quests button. Go ahead and click/tap it now to open the menu.
Trigger: Click on the Branch Quests menu.

File:Headmaster icon.png

As you can see, all four quests are ready for you to start. Come back at any time and select the quest you want to get started!

For now, go ahead and close out the the[sic] Branch Quests menu[sic]

Trigger: Click on the Branch Quests menu.

File:Headmaster icon.png

Your Quest Progress can also be viewed within the Branch Quest menu[sic]

Feel free to also explore the campus, we are happy to have you here with us!



Since 2013, New Student has been exposed to multiple updates such as dialogue updates and structural changes, whenever there's a major gameplay change, New Student is remodeled and remodified to teach and guide new players of the new features. The three major updates were in October 23rd, 2016, v2.3.0, February 21st, 2019, v3.0.0, and March 23rd, 2022, v3.23.0.

  • Prior to v2.3.0, the Quest's story begins with Gobber in the Hatchery teach the new Student (Avatar) the basis like how to walk, and help them choose a Primary Starter, the player receives a Personality Test to help them choose. After they leave, the Student finds themselves late to school but Hiccup helps them by letting them mount Toothless and arrive on time, creating the most iconic scene of the player and Hiccup mounting Toothless and flying into the cenote's crack. The quest would later be game hindering due to the lack of a second Dragon for Stable Missions, and since there was no redeem code or easier way to get Gems or eggs, only in Explore the Dark Depths would players receive a free second Dragon.
  • After v2.3.0, the story was changed to accomodate the 2nd movie installment and the TV Series, the Student now arrives at the wrong time - the gang is fighting the Dragon Hunters! With the help of the gang, the new Student joins in the adventure and rescues a Secondary Starter, while learning the basis like flying and walking. After fishing, Valka takes the new Student to the hatchery and fill the role of Gobber form the previous version. The quest would receive minor changes like hand 3 Brown Trouts instead of make the Student fish for a Perch and likely cost all the 10 Lug Worms.
  • v3.0.0 updates the quest by replacing the Dragon Hunters with Grimmel and the Warlords, and introducing a cutscene of Harald blowing up the geyser elevator at the School, creating the opening to the Hidden World Annex.
  • v3.23.0, 5 years since the last remodification, the quest's story takes place on a cave-in, Hiccup was inspecting a Dragon Hunter-exposed cave until something happened that got himself stuck, the new Student is presumed to coincidentally be stuck in the same cave. Hiccup assists the new Student in rescuing a Dragon and aging them to shoot the locked entrance, opening to an unknown area of what seems to be New Berk. The new Student helps Hiccup make a fire on a fire pit to create a smoke signal, attracting Toothless and Astrid's attention, and therefore rescue them. After a brief flight tutorial, Hiccup flies them to the School, reminiscent of the very first version of New Student, and the tutorial quest branches off into four different paths, including a free but optional 2-Quest Expansion, Flight Quest. This version is followed with what is by far the most gameplay-mentioning quest branch ever made in the game with direct links to multiple tutorials in one quest (e.g: Dragon Rearing has a total of 5 tutorial within the Quest), a free, small Expansion showcasing how Expansion Packs funtion, and mention unwordly objects like the Quest Arrow.

Down below is an archives of all the main versions, the version in the page is the current version used in the game.