Stable Missions/Skill by Dragon

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Species Skill 1 Skill 2 Class Unlisted skills*
Abomibumble Armor Focus Stoker
Armor Wing Armor Focus Mystery
  • Blend into a Smokebreath group (Stolen Artifacts)
Boneknapper Armor Sonic Mystery
  • Bone-loving (Bone Doctor)
Buffalord Tough Razor Mystery
Catastrophic Quaken Tough Rock Boulder
  • Great at ramming things (Battering Ram)
  • Roll into a ball (Rock n' Roll)
Changewing Camouflage Poison Mystery
  • Can camouflage into the surroundings (Appearance Disappearance)
Crimson Goregutter Tough Razor Boulder
Deadly Nadder Speed Razor Tracker
  • Trust their own kind (Break into the Nadder nest, Rescue the baby Nadders!)
  • Has spines that can stick objects (Fireball Frenzy Clean Up)
Deathgripper Armor Poison Strike
Deathly Galeslash Speed Agile Sharp
Death Song Tough Paralysis Mystery
  • Eel-eating dragon (Eels!)
  • Can paralyze others (Comfortably Numb)
Devilish Dervish Aura Razor Sharp
Dramillion Camouflage Wild Mystery
Dreadstrider Burst Paralysis Mystery
Eruptodon Aura Rock Boulder
Fire Terror Camouflage Wild Stoker
Fireworm Queen Aura Healing Stoker
  • Masters of fire (Light me Up)
  • Supply of gel (Pass the Torch)
Flightmare Speed Paralysis Mystery
  • Eats algae (Blooming Buffet)
  • Can paralyze others (Comfortably Numb)
Flame Whipper Burst Wild Stoker
Ghastly Zapplejack Tough Gas Mystery
Grapple Grounder Burst Electric Boulder
Grim Gnasher Speed Razor Sharp
Groncicle Armor Ice Boulder
  • Ice shoots (Blast Chiller)
  • Can hover (Fishing with Mulch)
Gronckle Armor Agile Boulder
  • Create Gronckle Iron (Gronckle Iron)
  • Eat rock (Construction Zone)
  • Can hover (Fishing with Mulch, Lift me Up)
  • Armored (Flying Tank)
Hideous Zippleback Burst Gas Mystery
  • Loves playing (Hide and Seek)
  • Multi-headed dragon (Field Trip)
  • At home in a swamp (Muddy Waters)
  • Trust its own kind (Lost Zippleback)
Hobblegrunt Camouflage Focus Stoker
  • Can change their color and alter other dragon’s moods (Mood Swings)
  • Can befriend babies (Raising Hobblegrunt)

Smitten Hobgobbler

Tough Agile Mystery
Hotburple Armor Rock Boulder
  • Lava dragon (Distant Rumbles)
  • Armored (Flying Tank)
Light Fury Camouflage Agile Strike
Moldruffle Armor Wild Stoker
Monstrous Nightmare Aura Focus Stoker
  • Masters of fire (Light me Up)
  • Supply of gel (Pass the Torch)
  • Can create fireworks (Nightmare Fireworks)
Mudraker Tough Sonic Tracker
  • Loves playing (Hide and Seek)
  • Can work long hours (Kicking the Bucket)
  • At home in a swamp (Muddy Waters)
  • Can hide in plain sight (The Night Terror's Watch)
Night Fury Leader Focus Strike
Night Light: Dart Camouflage Agile Strike
Night Light: Pouncer Camouflage Focus Strike
Night Light: Ruffrunner Camouflage Wild Strike
Night Terror Camouflage Agile Stoker
  • Do not play nicely with other dragons (Social Hour)
  • Can hide in plain sight (The Night Terror's Watch)
Prickleboggle Camouflage Healer Sharp
  • Can heal other dragons (In the Cauldron)
  • Can befriend babies (Raising Hobblegrunt)
Raincutter Burst Agile Sharp
  • Rain-resistant fireballs (Rain on Me)
  • Eat worms and grubs (Grubalicioous)
Razorwhip Armor Razor Sharp
Ridgesnipper Armor Rock Boulder
Rumblehorn Armor Focus Tracker
  • Great at ramming things (Battering Ram)
  • Can track lost vikings (Missing Vikings, Sniff Sniff Sniff)
Sand Wraith Camouflage Rock Tidal
Scauldron Burst Poison Tidal
  • Blasts of hot water (Blasted Barnacles)
  • Can eat blue oleander and produce a healing venom (Why so Blue?)
Screaming Death Burst Wild Boulder
  • Intimidating and loud (Anti-landing Party)
  • Tunneling dragon (Burrowing Beasty)
Scuttleclaw Tough Focus Sharp

Elder Sentinel

Tough Sonic Boulder
Shivertooth Speed Ice Sharp
  • Fast snow dragon (Slip Sliding Away)
Shockjaw Speed Electric Tidal
  • A shocking dragon that can swim (Dazed and Stunned, Shock and Awe)
Shovelhelm Tough Wild Boulder
Silver Phantom Speed Focus Stoker
Singetail Speed Wild Stoker
Skrill Aura Electric Strike
  • Shocking dragon (Shock and Awe)
Skrillknapper Armor Electric Strike
Sliquifier Speed Poison Tidal
  • Fast aquatic dragon (Faster and Slicker)
Slithersong Speed Paralysis Mystery
Smothering Smokebreath Aura Agile Mystery
  • Can create a smokescreen (War, Smoke and Mirrors)
  • Blend into a Smokebreath bog (Stolen Artifacts)
Snafflefang Rock Burst Boulder
Snaptrapper Aura Gas Mystery
  • Multi-headed dragon (Field Trip)
  • At home in a swamp (Muddy Waters)
  • Trusted by Zipplebacks (Lost Zippleback)
Snow Wraith Camouflage Ice Strike
  • Happy in cold weather (Blizzard Buzzard)
  • Has infrared vision (Infared Detector)
  • Fast snow dragon (Slip Sliding Away)
  • Ice shoots (Blast Chiller)
Speed Stinger Speed Paralysis Sharp
  • Do not play nicely with other dragons (Social Hour)
  • Quick Runner (Tunnel Run)
  • Can paralyze others (Comfortably Numb)
Stormcutter Tough Agile Sharp
  • Can maneuver through tight spaces (Agile Lock Picker, Cavern Hunt)
Sweet Death Camouflage Gas Mystery
  • Comfortable underground (Bring on the Sweet Death!, Burrowing Beasty)
Terrible Terror Burst Focus Stoker
Thunderdrum Burst Sonic Tidal
Thunderpede Burst Razor Boulder
  • Rock-eating (Bedrock and Boulders, Deep Dark Runes)
  • Ram and crush rocks (Battering Ram, Crush on You)
Tide Glider Speed Healing Tidal
  • Healing saliva (Beached)
Timberjack Tough Razor Sharp
  • Can slice with its wings (Slice and Dice)
Triple Stryke Tough Poison Stryke
Typhoomerang Aura Wild Stoker
  • Eel-eating dragon (Eels!)
Whispering Death Tough Wild Boulder
  • Tunneling dragon (Burrowing Beasty)
Windwalker Speed Agile Tidal
Woolly Howl Burst Ice Strike
  • Happy in cold weather (Blizzard Buzzard)

*=For notes on additional skills relevant to one or more Stable Mission.