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The Boneknapper is a Mystery Class Dragon released in October 10th, 2014. They originated from the Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon TV Short from the How To Train Your Dragon movie franchise, for more information on the species, check the HTTYD Wiki's article on Boneknapper.


The Boneknapper is available in Store for 1000 Gems (800 for members). The egg is available in the Dragonpalooza, and there's a chance in being available on a Weekly Sale with an Adult Ticket File:Dragons adult token.png and a Titan Ticket File:Dragons titan token.png.

In Quests


  • On December 4th, 2015, the Boneknapper received new animation.[1]
  • On October 28th, 2016, the Boneknapper received a Titan Stage.[2]
  • On April 13th, 2020, the price was adjusted from 900 Gems (720) to 500 Gems (400).



Boneknapper's Dragon Card has:

  • Max. Speed: 6.7
  • Pitch Rate: 4
  • Turn Rate: 5
  • Acceleration: 3.2
  • Firepower: 4.8

Boneknapper's Flight Data has:

  • Turn
    • RollTurnRate:
    • RollDampRate:
    • MaxRoll:
    • YawTurnRate:
    • YawTurnFactor:
  • Pitch
    • PitchTurnRate:
    • PitchDampRate:
    • Fly/Glide Max Up Pitch:
    • Fly/Glide Max Down Pitch:
    • Climb AccelRate:
    • Dive AccelRate:
  • Speed:
    • Speed:Min:
    • Speed:Max:
    • SpeedDampRate:
    • ManualFlapAccel:
    • ManualFlapTimer:
    • BrakeDecel:


Boneknapper has 6 shots with a cooldown of 0.8, takes 33.3 miliseconds for a full recharge. They do 10 damage with a critical of 20 and the Titan has 11 with a critical of 22, has 13% change of shooting a critical shot. Has 68 of range, Adult has 1020 and Titan has 1140 (Battle) HP (Lvl. 50) respectively, they fire a single fire shot.

Per second, the Boneknapper can do 14.1 and 15.5 damage in Adult and Titan respectively.


A Lvl. 50 Boneknapper has 175 File:Dt attackpower.png, 240 File:Dt firepower.png, 500 File:Dt healpower.png, and 4850, and 200 File:Dt attackpower.png, 275 File:Dt firepower.png, File:Dt healpower.png, and 5565 (Dragon Tactics) HP in Adult and Titan respectively, with a permanent 125 File:Dt critical chance.png, and 50 File:Dt defense.png, Adult has 3 File:Dt movement.png and Titan has 4 File:Dt movement.png. Down below is a table containing the ATK, FPR, HPR, and HP from Level 1 to 50.

Boneknapper's DT Stats per Level
Adult Titan
Level File:Dt attackpower.png ATK File:Dt firepower.png FPR File:Dt healpower.png HPR Health File:Dt attackpower.png ATK File:Dt firepower.png FPR File:Dt healpower.png HPR Health
1 3.5 4.8 10 195 4 5.5 10 209.3
2 7 9.6 20 290 8 11 20 318.6
3 10.5 14.4 30 385 12 16.5 30 427.9
4 14 19.2 40 480 16 22 40 537.2
5 17.5 24 50 575 20 27.5 50 646.5
6 21 28.8 60 670 24 33 60 755.8
7 24.5 33.6 70 765 28 38.5 70 865.1
8 28 38.4 80 860 32 44 80 974.4
9 31.5 43.2 90 955 36 49.5 90 1083.7
10 35 48 100 1050 40 55 100 1193
11 38.5 52.8 110 1145 44 60.5 110 1302.3
12 42 57.6 120 1240 48 66 120 1411.6
13 45.5 62.4 130 1335 52 71.5 130 1520.9
14 49 67.2 140 1430 56 77 140 1630.2
15 52.5 72 150 1525 60 82.5 150 1739.5
16 56 76.8 160 1620 64 88 160 1848.8
17 59.5 81.6 170 1715 68 93.5 170 1958.1
18 63 86.4 180 1810 72 99 180 2067.4
19 66.5 91.2 190 1905 76 104.5 190 2176.7
20 70 96 200 2000 80 110 200 2286
21 73.5 100.8 210 2095 84 115.5 210 2395.3
22 77 105.6 220 2190 88 121 220 2504.6
23 80.5 110.4 230 2285 92 126.5 230 2613.9
24 84 115.2 240 2380 96 132 240 2723.2
25 87.5 120 250 2475 100 137.5 250 2832.5
26 91 124.8 260 2570 104 143 260 2941.8
27 94.5 129.6 270 2665 108 148.5 270 3051.1
28 98 134.4 280 2760 112 154 280 3160.4
29 101.5 139.2 290 2855 116 159.5 290 3269.7
30 105 144 300 2950 120 165 300 3379
31 108.5 148.8 310 3045 124 170.5 310 3488.3
32 112 153.6 320 3140 128 176 320 3597.6
33 115.5 158.4 330 3235 132 181.5 330 3706.9
34 119 163.2 340 3330 136 187 340 3816.2
35 122.5 168 350 3425 140 192.5 350 3925.5
36 126 172.8 360 3520 144 198 360 4034.8
37 129.5 177.6 370 3615 148 203.5 370 4144.1
38 133 182.4 380 3710 152 209 380 4253.4
39 136.5 187.2 390 3805 156 214.5 390 4362.7
40 140 192 400 3900 160 220 400 4472
41 143.5 196.8 410 3995 164 225.5 410 4581.3
42 147 201.6 420 4090 168 231 420 4690.6
43 150.5 206.4 430 4185 172 236.5 430 4799.9
44 154 211.2 440 4280 176 242 440 4909.2
45 157.5 216 450 4375 180 247.5 450 5018.5
46 161 220.8 460 4470 184 253 460 5127.8
47 164.5 225.6 470 4565 188 258.5 470 5237.1
48 168 230.4 480 4660 192 264 480 5346.4
49 171.5 235.2 490 4755 196 269.5 490 5455.7
50 175 240 500 4850 200 275 500 5565
Boneknapper's Actions
Ability Description Range Turns to reload Additional Effects
Main Bone Tail 2x ATK damage Close 1 -
Second RoarFile:Multitarget 3.png 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 -
Role-Based Third Armor Boosts DEF and Heals Self 8
Fourth Defend Boosts DEF, replaces other DEF abilities Self 1 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%.

Broad Dragon Hatchling and Adulthood

File:Dragons titan.png Titan Stage

File:THW icon.png Bioluminescent Patterns

Broad Dragon Adult Stage

File:Dragons titan.png Titan Stage

War Paint

Racing Stripes/Paint

Racing Colors

Boulder Class Boulder Boulder Class
File:Catastrophic Quaken icon.png
Catastrophic Quaken
File:Crimson Goregutter icon.png
Crimson Goregutter
File:Eruptodon icon.png
File:Grapple Grounder icon.png
Grapple Grounder
File:Groncicle icon.png
File:Gronckle icon.png
File:Hotburple icon.png
File:Ridgesnipper icon.png
File:Screaming Death icon.png
Screaming Death
File:Sentinel icon.png
Elder Sentinel
Elder Sentinel
File:Shovelhelm icon.png
File:Snafflefang icon.png
File:Thunderpede icon.png
File:Whispering Death icon.png
Whispering Death
Mystery Class Mystery Mystery Class
File:Armor Wing icon.png
Armor Wing
File:Boneknapper icon.png
File:Buffalord icon.png
File:Changewing icon.png
File:Death Song icon.png
Death Song
File:Dramillion icon.png
File:Dreadstrider icon.png
File:Flightmare icon.png
File:Ghastly Zapplejack icon.png
Ghastly Zapplejack
File:Hideous Zippleback icon.png
Hideous Zippleback
File:Hobgobbler icon.png
File:Smitten Hobgobbler icon.png
Smitten Hobgobbler
File:Slithersong icon.png
File:Smothering Smokebreath icon.png
Smothering Smokebreath
File:Snaptrapper icon.png
File:Sweet Death icon.png
Sweet Death
Sharp Class Sharp Sharp Class
File:Deathly Galeslash icon.png
Deathly Galeslash
File:Devilish Dervish icon.png
Devilish Dervish
File:Grim Gnasher icon.png
Grim Gnasher
File:Prickleboggle icon.png
File:Raincutter icon.png
File:Razorwhip icon.png
File:Scuttleclaw icon.png
File:Shivertooth icon.png
File:Speed Stinger icon.png
Speed Stinger
File:Stormcutter icon.png
File:Timberjack icon.png
Stoker Class Stoker Stoker Class
File:Abomibumble icon.png
File:Fireworm Queen icon.png
Fireworm Queen
File:Flame Whipper icon.png
Flame Whipper
File:Green Death icon.png
Green Death
File:Hobblegrunt icon.png
File:Moldruffle icon.png
File:Monstrous Nightmare icon.png
Monstrous Nightmare
File:Night Terror icon.png
Night Terror
File:Fire Terror icon.png
Fire Terror
File:Silver Phantom icon.png
Silver Phantom
File:Singetail icon.png
File:Terrible Terror icon.png
Terrible Terror
File:Typhoomerang icon.png
Strike Class Strike Strike Class
File:Deathgripper icon.png
File:Light Fury icon.png
Light Fury
File:Night Fury icon.png
Night Fury
File:Night Light icon.png
Night Light
File:Skrill icon.png
File:Skrillknapper icon.png
File:Snow Wraith icon.png
Snow Wraith
File:Triple Stryke icon.png
Triple Stryke
File:Woolly Howl icon.png
Woolly Howl
Night Lights: File:Dart icon.png
File:Ruffrunner icon.png
File:Pouncer icon.png
Tidal Class Tidal Tidal Class
File:Luminous Krayfin icon.png
Luminous Krayfin
File:Sand Wraith icon.png
Sand Wraith
File:Scauldron icon.png
File:Seashocker icon.png
File:Shockjaw icon.png
File:Sliquifier icon.png
File:Thunderdrum icon.png
File:Tide Glider icon.png
Tide Glider
File:Windwalker icon.png
Tracker Class Tracker Tracker Class
File:Deadly Nadder icon.png
Deadly Nadder
File:Mudraker icon.png
File:Rumblehorn icon.png
Titan Dragons
File:Titan bknapper icon.png File:Titan buff icon.png File:Titan cavern icon.png File:Titan crimsong icon.png File:Titan dnadder icon.png
Boneknapper Buffalord Cavern Crasher Crimson Goregutter Deadly Nadder
File:Titan dsong icon.png File:Titan dgripper icon.png File:Titan dramil icon.png File:Titan fmare icon.png File:Titan grimg icon.png
Death Song Deathgripper Dramillion Flightmare Grim Gnasher
File:Titan gronck icon.png File:Titan hzipple icon.png File:Titan hobg icon.png File:Titan mnightmare icon.png File:Titan razorw icon.png
Gronckle Hideous Zippleback Hobgobbler Monstrous Nightmare Razorwhip
File:Titan rumbleh icon.png File:Titan sandw icon.png File:Titan scauld icon.png File:Titan scutter icon.png File:Titan scuttlec icon.png
Rumblehorn Sand Wraith Scauldron Stormcutter Scuttleclaw
File:Titan sdeath icon.png File:Titan senti icon.png File:Titan shockj icon.png File:Titan skrill icon.png File:Titan slitherwing icon.png
Screaming Death Sentinel Shockjaw Skrill Slitherwing
File:Titan snoww icon.png File:Titan sstinger icon.png File:Titan tdrum icon.png File:Titan timberj icon.png File:Titan tstryke icon.png
Snow Wraith Speed Stinger Thunderdrum Timberjack Triple Stryke
File:Titan tterror icon.png File:Titan wdeath icon.png File:Titan woollyh icon.png
Terrible Terror Whispering Death Woolly Howl