Stat Comparison/Combat

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File:Map portal icon.png This page is about the Comparison list of the Dragons' Combat Stats. You may be looking for the Comparison list of the Dragons' Actions.

Combat Stats are stats that determine how strong your dragon is, each dragon species also have their own stats and moves but unlike racing stats that can only be increased with saddles albeit slightly, the stats increase level by level until it hits the level cap. Said combat stats include:

  • Attackpower File:Dt attackpower.png: Shortened as ATK, this determines how physically strong your dragon is;
  • Firepower File:Dt firepower.png: Shortened as FPR, this determines how strong your dragon's ranged/breath attacks are;
  • Movement File:Dt movement.png: Shortened as MOVE, this determines how far can your dragon move in one turn;
  • Critical Chance File:Dt critical chance.png: Shortened as CRIT, this determines the chance of your dragon inflict critical damage, which does double of the normal damage;
  • Healpower File:Dt healpower.png: Shortened as HPR, this determines how much does the dragon heals itself or other characters*;
  • Defense File:Dt defense.png: Shortened as DEF, this determines the chance of the dragon to dodge any incoming attacks;

While Attackpower and Firepower look and souns almost the exact same, the major difference is that Attackpower refers to the melee attacks while Firepower refers to the ranged attacks. This is essentially why the Hideous Zippleback at lvl11 has a higher Firepower than Attackpower while the Speed Stinger has a higher Attackpower than Firepower.

* - Note that not all the species have a healing move like how the Whispering Death and Triple Stryke have, therefore, the healing power may refer to how much it would heal if it had one.

Each dragon also have a Role and an Element, that are taken from the first and second Stable Missions skills respectively. The Role determines the third attack of the dragon, while the Element makes the dragon strong against a specific element enemies, and weak against another one.

Regarding the decision of not adding Firepower (Firepower) to the list, please check this section.

Dragon Stats Values

Value shown is for Level 50. MOVE, CRIT and DEF do not vary with level.

Dragons not available for Dragon tactics at the moment.
The Windwalker and Night Lights don't show battle stats in the Store, and don't appear in your dragon list when inside Dragon Tactics.
Species Role Element ATK FPR MOVE CRIT HPR DEF Health
Abomibumble 300 360 3 225 300 75 4100
Armor Wing
250 320 3 225 225 25 3600
175 240 3 125 500 100 4850
400 290 3 175 150 112.5 3350
Catastrophic Quaken
320 270 3 100 500 40 3850
225 335 3 50 450 250 1650
Crimson Goregutter
450 320 3 175 200 125 3350
Deadly Nadder
250 455 3 175 225 75 2000
375 320 3 50 200 75 2850
Deathly Galeslash
275 415 3 150 250 100 2300
Death Song
400 340 4 50 400 50 2850
Devilish Dervish
350 470 3 175 400 125 2250
300 460 3 200 200 137.5 1850
300 325 4 50 300 157.5 2100
400 285 3 100 350 75 3600
Fire Terror
250 290 4 200 80 125 2850
Fireworm Queen
400 515 3 125 200 50 2100
Flame Whipper
250 485 3 200 250 112.5 2100
125 295 4 50 500 100 2350
Ghastly Zapplejack
410 375 3 25 450 175 2600
Grapple Grounder
350 365 3 250 100 87.5 1850
Grim Gnasher
400 345 4 175 349 75 2750
300 305 3 75 300 150 4100
200 355 3 150 250 60 4600
Hideous Zippleback
300 360 3 25 450 212.5 2500
450 455 3 225 400 62.5 1850
300 285 3 150 300 125 2850
Hobgobbler, Smitten
300 285 3 50 300 0 2850
200 360 3 100 25 50 4350
Light Fury
375 335 4 150 400 250 2750
300 410 3 200 400 125 2700
Monstrous Nightmare
375 365 3 225 425 75 2250
350 245 3 125 500 125 2350
Night Fury
375 370 4 225 300 225 2100
Night Light
varies - - - - - - -
Night Terror
225 270 4 150 80 187.5 2350
150 250 3 125 400 75 2350
300 300 3 150 350 175 3350
350 340 4 175 100 62.5 3600
Ridgesnipper 460 200 3 100 300 100 4100
275 280 2 225 450 50 4100
Sand Wraith
200 365 4 100 300 175 2350
250 340 3 50 430 125 2600
Screaming Death
400 265 3 200 200 50 4350
250 255 4 225 350 125 3000
300 360 3 125 250 75 4000
Sentinel, Elder
300 405 3 125 250 125 3600
300 230 3 25 450 225 2500
350 335 4 250 450 75 2600
375 405 3 200 415 50 3250
Silver Phantom
300 370 4 225 250 225 1850
425 360 3 200 200 112.5 2850
350 395 4 250 350 125 2100
325 350 3 250 100 100 3600
200 330 3 225 450 125 3100
350 295 4 50 395 87.5 1850
Smothering Smokebreath
275 350 3 150 500 187.5 2150
225 325 3 100 285 75 3750
300 175 3 25 500 175 2350
Snow Wraith
375 470 4 75 250 150 1600
Speed Stinger
300 215 5 50 50 200 2100
300 395 3 150 450 137.5 2600
Sweet Death
300 230 3 25 450 225 2500
Terrible Terror
200 335 3 225 400 125 2350
325 415 3 125 2 50 3600
425 325 3 175 300 62.5 2600
Tide Glider
150 340 3 125 250 150 4100
300 265 3 175 500 125 3100
Triple Stryke
365 255 4 50 175 112.5 3100

300 405 4 200 300 50 3100
Whispering Death
275 90 3 200 500 125 4250
200 400 4 150 250 75 2850
Woolly Howl
250 360 4 75 300 200 2650