Night Light

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Night Lights are a Strike Class Dragon released on December 12th, 2019. It's a hybrid between the Night Fury and the Light Fury, they're often temporarily in Store for 1,200 Gems, 960 for members. As of July 27th, 2021 the Night Lights became permanently available in Store for the same price of 1,200 Gems, (960 for members.)


"The Night Lights are the offspring of Toothless and the Light Fury. They live in the Hidden World and share some abilities of their parents.
Like their parents, Night Lights have powerful plasma blasts. They fire first to warn and only openly attack when threatened."

To learn more about the Night Lights, go here.

Because the Night Lights share the same animation safe for the Idle and Sit Idle, and for the Adults, Standing, each Night Light will have a gif of each Animation bit that requires a GIF (Dart gets the Swimming and Walking, Pouncer gets the Running and Ruffrunner gets the Firing) while the rest will still apply to all three.


Initially, the Night Lights were released along with 2019's Snoggletog Event, two of the Night Lights, Ruffrunner and Pouncer, were available at the Snoggletog Event each with their own respective Cookie Requirement, while Dart was available at the Store for 2,500 Gems (2,000). On 10th of January, 2020, both Pouncer and Ruffrunner's Standing, Idle, Sitting and Sitting Idle animation were changed to go along with their characterization and personality.

Between August 20th, 2020 to February 23rd, 2021, the Night Lights were deemed as a Limited-time Dragon, meaning they would only appear during temporary sales, with the price reduced to 1,200 Gems (960). At this time, Night Lights were considered as "Adults" in spite of physically being babies and part of the playerbase felt uncomfortable with the thought of riding a baby[1][2], suggesting Adult Night Lights[3][4], though some would tone the suggestion down, doubting DreamWorks would ever let SoD do such a thing[5][6].

On July 27th, 2021, v3.17.0, after so many suggestions, the Night Lights received a proper Adult Stage with model included, deeming their current stage as Teen as opposed to Adult. The Adult Stage allows them to participate in Dragon Tactics though it's locked behind the Summarhildr Expansion meaning players need to first complete the expansion to unlock the Adult Stage in all the Night Lights the player owns and will own - the number of Night Lights the player owns does not affect the expansion at all. During this update, the expansion is merged with 2021's Summarhildr Event with Quests being part of the rewards, Malkath states that the Event is more of an Early Access for the expansion so once the Event is over, the Expansion will stay in the game.[7] Unlike Toothless and Light Fury, players can now obtain multiple of each Night Light, meaning players can now own as many Darts, Pouncers, and Ruffrunners as they wish - this was done to allow players to own both Baby and Adult Night Lights or whatever combination that makes them happy.[8]

Prior to v3.17.0, the Night Lights had Camouflage for Stable Missions, and for most of the v3.17.0, they displayed Leader for Stable Missions, and Camouflage for Dragon Tactics. As for August 9th, 2021, they now display Leader for both Stable Missions and Dragon Tactics.


List of all the previous Sales.

  • December 12th, 2019 to January 28nd, 2020: Release date, Dart was available for 2,500 Gems (2,000) while Ruffrunner and Pouncer were prizes in Snoggletog Event (2019).
  • August 20th, 2020 to September 3rd, 2020: The Night Lights made their temporary return and stayed in Store for 1,200 Gems (960 for members).
  • December 15th, 2020 to January 19th, 2021: They have temporarily returned again for 1,200 Gems (960).
  • February 9th, 2021 to February 23rd, 2021: They have temporarily returned again for 1,200 Gems (960), with exclusive Friendship Hearts Skins.
  • July 27th, 2021 to ??, 2021: They are back for 1,200 Gems (960), but unlike previous sales, it seemingly does not have a limited stay.

In Quests


In response to the release of How To Train Your Dragon: Homecoming and the positive reception to the Dreadfall Event's Hybrids (although the Event itself had mediocre receptions), the Night Lights make their debut as the official offspring triplets from Toothless and Light Fury. Since they're the stars in both the Short and the Snoggletog Event, the Night Lights are all present in the Snoggletog Main Quests and Snoggletog Dailies (with exception of Plentiful Feast and Our Berserker Friends) as either playful hatchlings, troublemakers or many other shenanigans with the main Dragon Riders or other supportive Characters like Valka and Cloudjumper.

During the Friendship Festival Variation of The Great Hall, Toothless, Light Fury and the Night Lights were present.

Gallery - Snoggletog Quests
Bringing Family Home
Those lil Rascals!
Ooh, they're in trouble...
The True Meaning
File:Fury family in festival.png
Fury Family at the Friendship Festival in The Great Hall


Age of the Night Lights introduces a story primarily focused on the Night Lights


  • The Night Lights were one of the most requested Dragons;
  • Unlike Toothless and the Light Fury, the Night Lights are the first Fury-Dragons to not be Membership exclusive;
  • Out of all the Dragons, the Night Lights are the most complex Dragon Stats-wise, as opposed to have the exact same stats, each has its own Stats.
    • In v.3.17.0, Night Lights are the first Dragon species to have a different 4th action, Stealth, as opposed to Defend.
  • Before v3.17.0, the Night Lights were the only dragon that could be mounted and fly as Babies, now, they're the only dragon that can fly as below Level 10 Teens.
  • The Night Light's gender all depends on the eye color:[9]
    • Ruffrunner and Pouncer are male, both have Green eyes just like Toothless;
    • Dart is female and she has Blue eyes just like the Light Fury.
  • A baby Night Light is nearly the size of a Viking if they stand up like a human.
  • Nlight size 1.png

    Normal Stance (profile)

  • Nlight size 2.png

    Normal Stance (front view)

  • Nlight size 3.png

    Human Stance (profile)

  • Nlight size 4.png

    Human Stance (front view)

  • Commonly mistaken to have the same model, the adult Night Lights are actually different, spotting major differences like Ruffrunner's chubbier and Pouncer's the sleekest.


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Catastrophic Quaken
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Crimson Goregutter
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Screaming Death
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Elder Sentinel
Elder Sentinel
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Whispering Death
Mystery Class Mystery Mystery Class
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Armor Wing
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Death Song
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Ghastly Zapplejack
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Hideous Zippleback
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Smitten Hobgobbler
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Smothering Smokebreath
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Sweet Death
Sharp Class Sharp Sharp Class
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Deathly Galeslash
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Devilish Dervish
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Grim Gnasher
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Speed Stinger
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Stoker Class Stoker Stoker Class
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Fireworm Queen
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Flame Whipper
File:Green Death icon.png
Green Death
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Monstrous Nightmare
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Night Terror
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Fire Terror
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Silver Phantom
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Terrible Terror
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Strike Class Strike Strike Class
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File:Light Fury icon.png
Light Fury
File:Night Fury icon.png
Night Fury
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Night Light
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File:Snow Wraith icon.png
Snow Wraith
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Triple Stryke
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Woolly Howl
Night Lights: File:Dart icon.png
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File:Pouncer icon.png
Tidal Class Tidal Tidal Class
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Luminous Krayfin
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Sand Wraith
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Tide Glider
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Tracker Class Tracker Tracker Class
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Deadly Nadder
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