Stat Comparison/Battle

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Battle stats are what determine your Dragon's reliability on achieving Gold-Tier depending on its overall performance (dependant on its Nº of Shots, Base Damage, Titan Damage Boost and Hidden Stats), and durability against damage. These stats divide in two types:

  • Visible Stats: Information that's visible in-game which include:
    • Nº of Shots: Determines the amount of shots a Dragon has in total;
    • Base Damage: Determines the general damage of a Dragon's single shot;
    • Titan Damage Boost: Determines how much the Titan boosts its Damage;
    • Battle Health: Determines how much can your Dragon endure against ship damage, this is also one of the two stats that increase with the Titan stage.
  • Hidden Stats: Information that's hidden from the player, these stats are often considered as the most important stats in Battle Events - all these stats are hidden within a file in the game's Assets. These include:
    • Fire Range: Determines how long can your Dragon stay at a safe distance while keeping in-target of the ship. The game uses Unity Unit which often uses the Meter unit though the developers could've potentially used Foot Unit instead, so 1 Unity Unit = 1 Foot;
    • Critical Hit Chance: Determines the probability of getting a Critical Hit, a Critical Hit doublesd the Base Damage;
    • Cooldown: Determine how long an individual shot takes to reload;
    • Recharge: Determines how long the total of shots takes to reload.

Regarding the removal of Firepower, please check this section.

Battle Stats
Visible Stats
Dragon Name Nº of Shots Base Damage Titan Damage Boost
Armor Wing 6 () 15 () N/A
Boneknapper 6 () 10 1 ()
Buffalord 6 () 23 2 ()
Catastrophic Quaken 6 () 36 N/A
Changewing 10 11 N/A
Crimson Goregutter 6 () 37 2
Deadly Nadder 6 () 25 2 ()
Death Song 6 () 14 1 ()
Deathgripper 8 15 () 2 ()
Deathly Galeslash 6 18 N/A
Devilish Dervish 8 20 N/A
Dramillion 15 () 17 2 ()
Dreadstrider 6 () 15 () N/A
Eruptodon 6 () 37 N/A
Fire Terror 5 15 () N/A
Fireworm Queen 6 () 15 () N/A
Flame Whipper 8 20 N/A
Flightmare 4 11 1 ()
Ghastly Zapplejack 8 15 () N/A
Grapple Grounder 6 () 16 N/A
Grim Gnasher 5 13 1 ()
Groncicle 10 12 N/A
Gronckle 6 () 15 () 1 ()
Hideous Zippleback 6 () 20 2 ()
Hobblegrunt 13 13 N/A
Hobgobbler 6 () 15 () 2 ()
Hobgobbler, Smitten 6 () 15 () N/A
Hotburple 6 () 20 N/A
Light Fury 6 () 28 N/A
Moldruffle 3 23 N/A
Monstrous Nightmare 10 14 1 ()
Mudraker 7 26 N/A
Night Fury 6 () 28 3
Night Light, Dart 6 () 14 N/A
Night Light, Ruffrunner 6 () 13 N/A
Night Light, Pouncer 6 () 12 N/A
Night Terror 5 15 () N/A
Prickleboggle 12 8 () N/A
Raincutter 10 10 N/A
Razorwhip 10 19 2 ()
Rumblehorn 4 14 2 ()
Sand Wraith 8 11 1 ()
Scauldron 14 9 1 ()
Screaming Death 14 9 1 ()
Scuttleclaw 8 10 1 ()
Sentinel 8 14 1 ()
Sentinel, Elder 8 15 () N/A
Shivertooth 4 22 N/A
Shockjaw 6 () 10 1 ()
Shovelhelm 9 22 N/A
Silver Phantom 6 () 19 N/A
Singetail 8 21 N/A
Skrill 4 16 2 ()
Skrillknapper 6 () 13 N/A
Sliquifier 4 18 N/A
Slithersong 10 18 N/A
Smothering Smokebreath 5 16 N/A
Snafflefang 6 () 24 N/A
Snaptrapper 4 18 N/A
Snow Wraith 10 25 3
Speed Stinger 1 () 50 () 5
Stormcutter 8 15 () 3
Sweet Death 5 12 N/A
Terrible Terror 10 N/A 10 ()
Thunderdrum 6 () 15 () 1 ()
Thunderpede 4 18 N/A
Tide Glider 6 () 12 N/A
Timberjack 8 11 1 ()
Triple Stryke 6 () 11 1 ()
Typhoomerang 10 12 N/A
Whispering Death 10 10 1 ()
Windwalker 8 16 N/A
Woolly Howl 6 () 15 () 2 ()
Maximus 15 50 10
Average 6 15 1.5
Minimus 1 8 1
Hidden Stats
Dragon Name Fire Range Critical Hit Chance Cooldown Recharge
Armor Wing 65 22 1 () 56.3
Boneknapper 68 13 0.8 () 33.3
Buffalord 53 18 1.5 54.3
Catastrophic Quaken 53 10 2.1 () 72
Changewing 78 () 5 0.9 38
Crimson Goregutter 53 5 2.1 () 72
Deadly Nadder 58 18 1.3 66.5
Death Song 64 5 0.9 38
Deathgripper 48 5 1 () 56.3
Deathly Galeslash 48 15 1 38
Devilish Dervish 41 18 1.2 67.6
Dramillion 72 20 1.5 184 ()
Dreadstrider 58 25 () 0.9 38
Eruptodon 53 10 2.1 () 72
Fire Terror 76 20 1 () 38
Fireworm Queen 46 13 0.8 () 66
Flame Whipper 41 20 1.2 67.5
Flightmare 76 5 0.8 () 19.5
Ghastly Zapplejack 58 3 1.1 68
Grapple Grounder 58 25 () 1.1 66
Grim Gnasher 66 17 0.8 () 32
Groncicle 43 8 1 () 84
Gronckle 45 15 () 0.9 39.4
Hideous Zippleback 57 3 () 1.1 52
Hobblegrunt 31 23 1 () 136
Hobgobbler, Smitten
65 5 1 () 38
Hotburple 34 10 1.1 54.3
Light Fury 62 15 () 1.7 40.5
Moldruffle 58 20 0.8 () 26
Monstrous Nightmare 46 23 1.2 69.7
Mudraker 57 13 1.8 42
Night Fury 62 23 1.7 40.5
Night Light, Dart 62 15 () 0.9 38
Night Light, Ruffrunner 62 20 0.9 38
Night Light, Pouncer 62 23 0.9 38
Night Terror 76 15 () 1 () 38
Prickleboggle 72 13 1 () 29
Raincutter 68 15 () 0.9 54.6
Razorwhip 52*[1] () 13 1.5 77.7
Rumblehorn 68 23 0.8 () 20.6
Sand Wraith 55 10 0.8 () 47.6
Scauldron 68 5 0.8 () 75.4
Screaming Death 44 20 0.8 () 86
Scuttleclaw 62 23 1 () 48.5
Sentinel 42 13 1 () 50 ()
Sentinel, Elder 42 13 1 () 50 ()
Shivertooth 66 8 1 () 34.1
Shockjaw 40 25 () 1.2 61.8
Shovelhelm 33 20 0.9 76
Silver Phantom 58 23 1.2 66.5
Singetail 78 () 20 1.5 62.3
Skrill 57 25 () 0.9 26.7
Skrillknapper 58 5 0.9 38
Sliquifier 62 23 0.9 32
Slithersong 72 5 1.3 77.5
Smothering Smokebreath 72 15 () 0.9 55
Snafflefang 48 10 1.3 70.4
Snaptrapper 77 3 () 1 () 32.5
Snow Wraith 31 20 1.6 108.5
Speed Stinger 25 () 5 1 () 15 ()
Stormcutter 48 15 () 1 () 50 ()
Sweet Death 68 3 () 0.8 () 20.8
Terrible Terror 48 25 () 0.9 62
Thunderdrum 55 13 0.9 48.1
Thunderpede 68 18 0.9 32.8
Tide Glider 68 13 0.8 () 58.5
Timberjack 63 18 1 () 37.5
Triple Stryke 44 5 0.8 () 33.3
Typhoomerang 37 20 1 () 67.2
Whispering Death 73 20 1.3 43.8
Windwalker 58 15 () 1.1 64.5
Woolly Howl 66 8 0.9 50.6
Maximus 78 25 0.8 184
Average 51.5* 15 1 50
Minimus 25 3 2.1 15
  1. * (Localed In Hidden Stats) - Instead of calculating the average or median, because the Stat in question uses the Unity Unit or Meters to calculate the distance of a Dragon's range, it's best to calculate the mid-range of said Stats to indicate what's the extreme-medium of all the distances. In this case, the mid-range was found by multiplying 25 (lowest range) with 78 (longest range) and dividing it by 2 (25*78/2).