Dragon Tactics Actions/Dragons

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File:Multitarget 3.png Full Multi-Target: Can hit and target opponents in any angle within the Dragon's range.
File:Multitarget 2.png Mid Multi-Target: Can only hit and target frontal and adjacent opponents if it's within the Dragon's range.
File:Multitarget 1.png Frontal Multi-Target: Can exclusively hit and target frontal opponents if it's within the Dragon's range.
Dragon that can't be selected for DT at the moment.

Actions per Species

Species Icon Name Description Range Turns to reload Additional effects
S1 Armor.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT burning status.png May burn a target, dealing extra damage for 2 turns
Horn Attack 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT Decrease FPR.png Reduces the target's FPR by 25% for 2 turns
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

Armor Wing
S1 Armor.png
Fire Fang 2x FPR damage Close 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 50% for 2 turns
Tail Slice 4.25x ATK damage Mid 3 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing 2x ATK damage on the enemy turn
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

S1 Armor.png
Bone Tail 2x ATK damage Close 1 -
RoarFile:Multitarget 3.png 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 -
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

S1 Aura.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:DT burning status.png May burn the target, dealing extra damage for 2 turns
Tail Crunch 5x FPR damage Close 4 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun for 2 turns
Flame JacketFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close 4 -
S1 Tough.png
Catastrophic Quaken
S1 Tough.png
Cavern Crasher
S1 Aura.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 10% chance to stun until your next turn
Sand BlastFile:Multitarget 3.png 5x ATK damage Close 4 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Igniting SkinFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close 4 -
S1 Camouflage.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT poisoned status.png 50% chance to poison the target, dealing extra damage on its turn
Bite 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT injured status.png 10% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Camouflage Increase DEF Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
S1 Burst.png
Fireball 2x FPR damage Long 1 -
Ice Breath 3.5x ATK damage Close 6 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 squares for 2 turns.
Snipe Shot 5x FPR damage Long 6 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
Crimson Goregutter
S1 Tough.png
Horn AttackFile:Multitarget 2.png 1.25x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT decrease defense.png May ruin the target's armor, making them easier to hit for the rest of the turn
Fireball 4x FPR damage Mid 4 -
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
Deadly Nadder
S1 Speed.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's Strength by 35% for 2 turns
Spine Strike 5x ATK damage Mid 4 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 4 turns
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Armor.png
Fireball 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT burning status.png 50% chance to ignite the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Swarm 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns
Deathly Galeslash
S1 Speed.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:DT burning status.png May burn a target, dealing extra damage for 2 turns
Flame Spiral 4.25x FPR damage Long 3 -
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

Death Song
S1 Tough.png
Amber Ball 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun until your next turn
Siren CallFile:Multitarget 3.png 5x FPR damage Mid 3 File:DT Stunned Status.png 20% chance to stun until your next turn

Bug: Titan Death Song can only hit frontal targets and not adjacent targets.

Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
Devilish Dervish
S1 Aura.png
Spin 2x FPR damage Close 1 File:DT Decrease CRIT.png 25% change to decrease target's CRIT for one turn
Heavy Blast 5x FPR damage Mid 4 File:DT burning status.png 50% chance to burn the target, dealing damage for 3 turns
Razor StormFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close 4 -
S1 Camouflage.png
S1 Burst.png
Bite 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT injured status.png Injure a foe, making it take extra damage on its extra 2 turns
MistFile:Multitarget 3.png 5x FPR damage Medium 4 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun the target until your next turn
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Aura.png
Fire Terror
S1 Camouflage.png
Fireworm Queen
S1 Aura.png
FireballFile:Multitarget 1.png 2x FPR damage Mid 1
Heal 3x HPR restored Close 3 -
Flame JacketFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close 4
Flame Whipper
S1 Burst.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 25% for 1 turns
Firelash 4x FPR damage Long 5 File:DT burning status.png 50% chance to ignite the target, dealing 2x FPR damage on the enemy turn
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Speed.png
MistFile:Multitarget 3.png 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun the target until your next turn
Tail Slice 5x ATK damage Close 3 -
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

Ghastly Zapplejack
S1 Tough.png
Bite 1.25x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT injured status.png Also injures a foe, dealing extra damage on the next 2 turns
FireballFile:Multitarget 3.png 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 File:Dt decrease speed.png Enemies are slowed slightly for 2 turns.
Recover 4x HPR restored Self only 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional health every turn for 3 turns
Golden Dragon
S1 Burst.png
Golden Blast 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:DT burning status.png May burn a target, dealing extra damage for 2 turns
Large Heal Recover 7x HPR Long 4 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional health every turn for 3 turns
Charge Up Increase FPR and HPR Self 5 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
File:DT Increase HPR.png Increases Healing by 50% for 3 turns
Grapple Grounder
S1 Burst.png
Grim Gnasher
S1 Speed.png
Fang Fireball 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 20% for 4 turns
Bite 5x ATK damage Close 5 File:DT injured status.png 25% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Armor.png
Frost 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 squares for 2 turns.
Bite 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun the target until your next turn
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

S1 Armor.png
Rock Spit 2x FPR damage Mid 1 -
Tail Smash 5x ATK damage Close 4 File:DT Stunned Status.png Stun the target until your next turn
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

Gruesome Goregripper
S1 Tough.png
BlastFile:Multitarget 2.png ?x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Impale 4x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Enrage Increase MOVE, FPR, ATK Self 8 File:DT increase speed.png Adds 1 Movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 30% for 3 turns
File:DT increase atk.png Increases Strenght by 30% for 3 turns

Hideous Zippleback
S1 Burst.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 4 turns
ExplosionFile:Multitarget 3.png 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 -
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Camouflage.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 40% for 1 turns
Heavy Blast 5x FPR damage Mid 4 File:DT burning status.png Burns the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 3 turns
Camouflage Increase DEF Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
Smitten Hobgobbler

S1 Tough.png

Chomp 2x ATK damage Close 1 -
Incendiary SpitFile:Multitarget 2.png 3x FPR damage Close 3 -
Recover 4x HPR restored Self only 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Armor.png
Fire Fang 1.75x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png 50% chance to reduce the target's attackpower by 40% for 1 turns
Body Slam 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT Stunned Status.png Stun the target until your next turn
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals every turn for 3 turns

S1 Tough.png
Rock Blast 2x ATK damage Long 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% to tun the target until your next turn
Tail SmashFile:Multitarget 3.png 5x ATK damage Close 4 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Tough.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT Decrease CRIT.png Reduces the target's CRIT for 2 turns
File:DT burning status.png May burn the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 3 turns
Spine Strike 5x ATK damage Mid 4 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's Strength by 35% for 2 turns
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
Light Fury
S1 Camouflage.png
Plasma Blast 2.25x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's Strength by 50% for 2 turns
Sky Shot 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 File:DT burning status.png May burn the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Camouflage Dodge Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
S1 Armor.png
Blast 1.25x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's Strength by 10% for 2 turns
Headbutt 4x ATK damage Close 4 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 4 turns
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

Monstrous Nightmare
S1 Aura.png
Bite 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's Strength by 20% for 2 turns
Flame BreathFile:Multitarget 3.png 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 -
Flame JacketFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close 4 -
S1 Tough.png
Horn Attack 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
RoarFile:Multitarget 3.png 5x FPR damage Mid 4 -
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
Night Fury
S1 Leader.png
Plasma Blast 2.25x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target strength by 50% for 2 turns
Far Shot 5.5x FPR damage Long 5 -
Tactics increase stats Self 8 File:DT increase speed.png Increase Toothless' speed by 50% for 3 turns

File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Toothless' firepower by 25% for 3 turns
File:DT increase defense.png Increases Toothless' dodge to 50% for 3 turns

Night Light, Dart
S1 Leader.png
Plasma Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's strength by 50% for 2 turns
Far Shot 3.5x FPR damage Long 3 File:DT burning status.png Burns the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 3 turns
Inspire Increase stats Ally+Self 1 File:DT healing status.png Removes all negative status effects
File:DT increase crit.png Adds 15% to CRIT on current turn only
Night Light, Pouncer
S1 Leader.png
Plasma Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's strength by 50% for 2 turns
BlindFile:Multitarget 3.png 4.25x FPR damage Mid 5 File:DT Stunned Status.png Stun the target/s until your next turn
Tactics Increase stats Self 8 File:DT increase speed.png Add an additional 3 MOVE to Pouncer for 3 turns

File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Pouncer's firepower by 25% for 3 turns
File:DT increase defense.png Increases Pouncer's dodge to 40% for 3 turns

Night Light, Ruffrunner
S1 Leader.png
Plasma Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's strength by 50% for 2 turns
Defender - Self 6 File:DT Focus Status.png Causes enemies to focus on him for 3 turns
Tactics Increase stats Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Add an additional 2 MOVE to Ruffrunner for 4 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals Ruffrunner for 4 turns
File:DT increase defense.png Increases Ruffrunner's dodge to 50% for 4 turns

Night Terror
S1 Camouflage.png
S1 Camouflage.png
Group HealFile:Multitarget 2.png Recover 2x HPR Mid 1 -
Large Heal Recover 7x HPR Long 4 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional health every turn for 3 turns
Camouflage Increase DEF Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75% for 3 turns
S1 Burst.png
Wing Slice 2x ATK damage Close 1 -
Flame Breath 4.25x FPR damage Close 3 -
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Armor.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 10% for 2 turns
Tail Slice 4.25x ATK damage Mid 3 File:DT injured status.png Injures the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns
File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

S1 Armor.png

Rock Spit 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 10% chance to stun until your next turn
Tail Smash 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun until your next turn
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns
File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Armor.png
Horn Attack 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun until your next turn
Fire Breath 5x FPR damage Mid 4 File:DT decrease defense.png 50% chance to hinder the target, making them easier to hit for two turns.
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

Sand Wraith
S1 Camouflage.png
Sand Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 squares for 2 turns.
Rock Blast 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT Stunned Status.png 25% chance to stun until your next turn
Camouflage Increase DEF Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
S1 Burst.png
Steam 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT poisoned status.png 50% chance to poison a target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Body Slam 5x ATK damage Close 4 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
Screaming Death

S1 Burst.png

Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT burning status.png 50% chance to burn the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Scream 5x ATK damage Mid 4 File:DT injured status.png Injures the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Tough.png
Blast 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT burning status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage on its turn
Tail Whip 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT decrease defense.png Hinders the target, making them easier to hit for 3 turns
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Tough.png
Bolt 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 1 square for 1 turns
Snipe Shot 4x ATK damage Long 5 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 3 square for 1 turns
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns

Sentinel, Elder
S1 Tough.png

Fireball 2x FPR damage Mid 1 -
Wing ClapFile:Multitarget 3.png 4.25x ATK damage Mid 4 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun until your next turn
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Speed.png
Bite 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing 4x ATK on the enemy turn
Frost Blast 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 square for 2 turns
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Tough.png
Horn Attack 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 10% chance to stun until your next turn
Fire Fang 2x FPR Mid 4 File:DT burning status.png 50% of burning the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 3 turns
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Speed.png
Bolt 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 1 square for 2 turns
Tail Lash 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

Silver Phantom
S1 Speed.png
Blast 5x FPR damage Mid 4 File:DT burning status.png Burns a target, dealing extra damage every turn for 3 turns
Breathe 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT decrease defense.png 35% chance to hinder the target, making them easier to hit for 2 turns
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Speed.png
S1 Aura.png
Bolt 2x FPR damage Long 1 -
Snipe Shot 4x FPR damage Long 5 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 squares for 3 turns
Electric JacketFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close 4 -
S1 Armor.png
Bolt 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows an enemy for 1 turn
Tail Smash 5x ATK damage Close 4 File:DT Stunned Status.png Stun the target until your next turn
Armor Dodge and heal Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge by 25% for 3 turns

File:DT healing status.png Heals some Health every turn for 3 turns

S1 Speed.png
Poison Shot 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT poisoned status.png 50% chance to poison a target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Blast 4.25x FPR damage Long 3 -
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Speed.png
Paralyzing Fang 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun until your next turn
Siren CallFile:Multitarget 3.png 5x FPR damage Mid 3 File:DT Stunned Status.png 20% chance to stun until your next turn
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Aura.png
Poison Spit 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Wing Lash 4x ATK damage Close 3 File:DT injured status.png 50% chance to injure the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Poison SkinFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close Range 4 -
Smothering Smokebreath
S1 Aura.png
Fire Fang 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 40% for 2 turns
SwarmFile:Multitarget 1.png 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 -
Smoke JacketFile:Multitarget 3.png 4x FPR damage Close 4 -
S1 Burst.png
Fire Fang 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT burning status.png 50% chance to ignite the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Tail Smash 5x ATK damage Close 4 File:DT Stunned Status.png Stun the target until your next turn
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Aura.png
Snow Wraith
S1 Camouflage.png
Frost 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 squares for 1 turn.
Far Shot 4.25x FPR damage Long 3 File:DT Stunned Status.png 10% chance to stun until your next turn
Camouflage Increase DEF Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
Speed Stinger
S1 Speed.png
Sting 2x FPR damage Close 1 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun until your next turn
Swarm 5x ATK damage Mid 4 File:DT injured status.png Injures the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Tough.png
Swarm 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 25% for 1 turns
Flame Spiral 4.25x FPR damage Long 3 File:DT burning status.png Burns a target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
Sweet Death
S1 Camouflage.png
Acid Breath 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT poisoned status.png 50% chance to poison the target, dealing extra damage on its turn
Pounce 4x ATK damage Mid 4 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 squares for 2 turn.
Camouflage Increase DEF Self 8 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%
Terrible Terror
S1 Burst.png
S1 Burst.png
RoarFile:Multitarget 3.png 1.75x FPR damage Mid 1 -
Bite 4.25x ATK damage Close 3 -
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Burst.png
Tide Glider
S1 Speed.png
Steam 2x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's strength by 10% for 1 turn
Heal Recover 7x HPR Close 4 -
Hyper Increase speed Self 5 File:DT increase speed.png Doubles movement for 3 turns

File:DT increase defense.png Increases natural dodge by double for 3 turns

S1 Tough.png
Wing SliceFile:Multitarget 1.png 2x ATK damage Close 1 -
Heavy Blast 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 File:DT decrease atk.png Reduces the target's attack power by 25% for 3 turns
Recover 4x HPR Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
Triple Stryke
S1 Tough.png
Tail Lash 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT poisoned status.png Poisons the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Fireball 4.25x FPR damage Mid 3 File:DT burning status.png 50% chance to ignite the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn
Recover 4x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Aura.png
Whispering Death
S1 Tough.png
Bite 2x ATK damage Close 1 File:DT injured status.png Bites the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 4 turns
Flame Spiral 4.25x FPR damage Long 3 File:DT burning status.png Burns the target, dealing extra damage every turn for 2 turns
Recover 3x HPR restored Self 8 File:DT healing status.png Heals additional Health every turn for 3 turns
S1 Speed.png
Woolly Howl
S1 Burst.png
Ice Bolt 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:DT decrease defense.png 50% chance to hinder the target, making them unable to dodge for the rest of the turn
Ice Breath 4x FPR damage Long 5 File:Dt decrease speed.png Slows the target, reducing movement by 2 squares for 2 turn.
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns
S1 Burst.png
BarrageFile:Multitarget 2.png 4x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT Decrease FPR.png Reduces the target's Firepower by 35% for 2 turns
ExplosionFile:Multitarget 2.png 4.25x FPR damage Close 3 File:DT burning status.png May burn a target, dealing extra damage for 2 turns
Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases Firepower by 50% for 3 turns