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The Zipplewraith is a Mystery Class Dragon released in April 26th, 2022. It's a hybrid of the Hideous Zippleback and the Snow Wraith, for more information on the species, check the HTTYD Wiki's article on Zipplewraith.


The Zipplewraith was available as the final prize in Thawfest Event 2022 for 17,000 File:Thawfest medal.png. It's available in Store for 1000 Gems (800 for members). There's a chance in being available on a Weekly Sale with an Adult Ticket File:Dragons adult token.png and a Titan Ticket File:Dragons titan token.png.

In Quests

We will run down all the Stats from the Zipplewraith following the natural Stat order.


Zipplewraith is available for Thunder Run Racing and Flight Club, Dragon Card lists the following data:

  • Max. Speed: 7.4
  • Pitch Rate: 6
  • Turn Rate: 5
  • Acceleration: 5.5
  • Firepower: 7.7

Zipplewraith's Flight Data lists the following raw Data.

  • Turn
    • RollTurnRate:
    • RollDampRate:
    • MaxRoll:
    • YawTurnRate:
    • YawTurnFactor:
  • Pitch
    • PitchTurnRate:
    • PitchDampRate:
    • Fly/Glide Max Up Pitch:
    • Fly/Glide Max Down Pitch:
    • Climb AccelRate:
    • Dive AccelRate:
  • Speed:
    • Speed:Min:
    • Speed:Max:
    • SpeedDampRate:
    • ManualFlapAccel:
    • ManualFlapTimer:
    • BrakeDecel:

Simplified, the Zipplewraith has (to do).


Zipplewraith has 10 shots with a cooldown of 1.3, takes 105 miliseconds for a full recharge. They do 21 damage with a critical of 42 and the Titan has 23 with a critical of 46, has 3% change of shooting a critical shot. Has 52 of range, Adult has 680 and Titan has 760 (Battle) HP (Lvl. 50) respectively. They fire a single shot.

Per second, the Zipplewraith can do 16.6 and 18.2 damage in Adult and Titan respectively.


A Lvl. 50 Zipplewraith has 325 File:Dt attackpower.png, 385 File:Dt firepower.png, 350 File:Dt healpower.png, and 2600, and 374 File:Dt attackpower.png, 443 File:Dt firepower.png, File:Dt healpower.png, and 2975 (Dragon Tactics) HP in Adult and Titan respectively, with a permanent 25 File:Dt critical chance.png, and 93.75 File:Dt defense.png, Adult has 3 File:Dt movement.png and Titan has 4 File:Dt movement.png. Down below is a table containing the ATK, FPR, HPR, and HP from Level 1 to 50.

Zipplewraith's DT Stats per Level
Adult Titan
Level File:Dt attackpower.png ATK File:Dt firepower.png FPR File:Dt healpower.png HPR Health File:Dt attackpower.png ATK File:Dt firepower.png FPR File:Dt healpower.png HPR Health
1 6.5 7.7 7 150 7.5 8.9 7 157.5
2 13 15.4 14 200 15 17.7 14 215
3 19.5 23.1 21 250 22.4 26.6 21 272.5
4 26 30.8 28 300 29.9 35.4 28 330
5 32.5 38.5 35 350 37.4 44.3 35 387.5
6 39 46.2 42 400 44.9 53.1 42 445
7 45.5 53.9 49 450 52.3 62 49 502.5
8 52 61.6 56 500 59.8 70.8 56 560
9 58.5 69.3 63 550 67.3 79.7 63 617.5
10 65 77 70 600 74.8 88.6 70 675
11 71.5 84.7 77 650 82.2 97.4 77 732.5
12 78 92.4 84 700 89.7 106.3 84 790
13 84.5 100.1 91 750 97.2 115.1 91 847.5
14 91 107.8 98 800 104.7 124 98 905
15 97.5 115.5 105 850 112.1 132.8 105 962.5
16 104 123.2 112 900 119.6 141.7 112 1020
17 110.5 130.9 119 950 127.1 150.5 119 1077.5
18 117 138.6 126 1000 134.6 159.4 126 1135
19 123.5 146.3 133 1050 142 168.2 133 1192.5
20 130 154 140 1100 149.5 177.1 140 1250
21 136.5 161.7 147 1150 157 186 147 1307.5
22 143 169.4 154 1200 164.5 194.8 154 1365
23 149.5 177.1 161 1250 171.9 203.7 161 1422.5
24 156 184.8 168 1300 179.4 212.5 168 1480
25 162.5 192.5 175 1350 186.9 221.4 175 1537.5
26 169 200.2 182 1400 194.4 230.2 182 1595
27 175.5 207.9 189 1450 201.8 239.1 189 1652.5
28 182 215.6 196 1500 209.3 247.9 196 1710
29 188.5 223.3 203 1550 216.8 256.8 203 1767.5
30 195 231 210 1600 224.3 265.7 210 1825
31 201.5 238.7 217 1650 231.7 274.5 217 1882.5
32 208 246.4 224 1700 239.2 283.4 224 1940
33 214.5 254.1 231 1750 246.7 292.2 231 1997.5
34 221 261.8 238 1800 254.2 301.1 238 2055
35 227.5 269.5 245 1850 261.6 309.9 245 2112.5
36 234 277.2 252 1900 269.1 318.8 252 2170
37 240.5 284.9 259 1950 276.6 327.6 259 2227.5
38 247 292.6 266 2000 284.1 336.5 266 2285
39 253.5 300.3 273 2050 291.5 345.3 273 2342.5
40 260 308 280 2100 299 354.2 280 2400
41 266.5 315.7 287 2150 306.5 363.1 287 2457.5
42 273 323.4 294 2200 314 371.9 294 2515
43 279.5 331.1 301 2250 321.4 380.8 301 2572.5
44 286 338.8 308 2300 328.9 389.6 308 2630
45 292.5 346.5 315 2350 336.4 398.5 315 2687.5
46 299 354.2 322 2400 343.9 407.3 322 2745
47 305.5 361.9 329 2450 351.3 416.2 329 2802.5
48 312 369.6 336 2500 358.8 425 336 2860
49 318.5 377.3 343 2550 366.3 433.9 343 2917.5
50 325 385 350 2600 373.8 442.8 350 2975
Zipplewraith's Actions
Ability Description Range Turns to reload Additional Effects
Main BarrageFile:Multitarget 2.png 4x FPR damage Mid 1 File:DT Decrease FPR.png Reduces the target's FPR by 35% for 2 turns.
Second ExplosionFile:Multitarget 2.png 4.25x FPR damage Close 3 File:DT burning status.png Burns the target, dealing extra damage on the enemy turn for 2 turns.
Role-Based Third Charge Up Increase FPR Self 4 File:DT increase fpr.png Increases FPR by 50% for 3 turns.
Fourth Defend Boosts DEF, replaces other DEF abilities Self 1 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%.

Color Guide
Interactive Color Guide

Boulder Class Boulder Boulder Class
File:Catastrophic Quaken icon.png
Catastrophic Quaken
File:Crimson Goregutter icon.png
Crimson Goregutter
File:Eruptodon icon.png
File:Grapple Grounder icon.png
Grapple Grounder
File:Groncicle icon.png
File:Gronckle icon.png
File:Hotburple icon.png
File:Ridgesnipper icon.png
File:Screaming Death icon.png
Screaming Death
File:Sentinel icon.png
Elder Sentinel
Elder Sentinel
File:Shovelhelm icon.png
File:Snafflefang icon.png
File:Thunderpede icon.png
File:Whispering Death icon.png
Whispering Death
Mystery Class Mystery Mystery Class
File:Armor Wing icon.png
Armor Wing
File:Boneknapper icon.png
File:Buffalord icon.png
File:Changewing icon.png
File:Death Song icon.png
Death Song
File:Dramillion icon.png
File:Dreadstrider icon.png
File:Flightmare icon.png
File:Ghastly Zapplejack icon.png
Ghastly Zapplejack
File:Hideous Zippleback icon.png
Hideous Zippleback
File:Hobgobbler icon.png
File:Smitten Hobgobbler icon.png
Smitten Hobgobbler
File:Slithersong icon.png
File:Smothering Smokebreath icon.png
Smothering Smokebreath
File:Snaptrapper icon.png
File:Sweet Death icon.png
Sweet Death
Sharp Class Sharp Sharp Class
File:Deathly Galeslash icon.png
Deathly Galeslash
File:Devilish Dervish icon.png
Devilish Dervish
File:Grim Gnasher icon.png
Grim Gnasher
File:Prickleboggle icon.png
File:Raincutter icon.png
File:Razorwhip icon.png
File:Scuttleclaw icon.png
File:Shivertooth icon.png
File:Speed Stinger icon.png
Speed Stinger
File:Stormcutter icon.png
File:Timberjack icon.png
Stoker Class Stoker Stoker Class
File:Abomibumble icon.png
File:Fireworm Queen icon.png
Fireworm Queen
File:Flame Whipper icon.png
Flame Whipper
File:Green Death icon.png
Green Death
File:Hobblegrunt icon.png
File:Moldruffle icon.png
File:Monstrous Nightmare icon.png
Monstrous Nightmare
File:Night Terror icon.png
Night Terror
File:Fire Terror icon.png
Fire Terror
File:Silver Phantom icon.png
Silver Phantom
File:Singetail icon.png
File:Terrible Terror icon.png
Terrible Terror
File:Typhoomerang icon.png
Strike Class Strike Strike Class
File:Deathgripper icon.png
File:Light Fury icon.png
Light Fury
File:Night Fury icon.png
Night Fury
File:Night Light icon.png
Night Light
File:Skrill icon.png
File:Skrillknapper icon.png
File:Snow Wraith icon.png
Snow Wraith
File:Triple Stryke icon.png
Triple Stryke
File:Woolly Howl icon.png
Woolly Howl
Night Lights: File:Dart icon.png
File:Ruffrunner icon.png
File:Pouncer icon.png
Tidal Class Tidal Tidal Class
File:Luminous Krayfin icon.png
Luminous Krayfin
File:Sand Wraith icon.png
Sand Wraith
File:Scauldron icon.png
File:Seashocker icon.png
File:Shockjaw icon.png
File:Sliquifier icon.png
File:Thunderdrum icon.png
File:Tide Glider icon.png
Tide Glider
File:Windwalker icon.png
Tracker Class Tracker Tracker Class
File:Deadly Nadder icon.png
Deadly Nadder
File:Mudraker icon.png
File:Rumblehorn icon.png