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The Bonestormer is an exclusive Mystery Class Dragon released in October 13th, 2020. It's a hybrid between the Stormcutter and the Boneknapper, for more information on the species, check the HTTYD Wiki's article on Bonestormer.


The Bonestormer was available for 17,000 Candy in Dreadfall 2020. It's available for 1000 Gems (800 or members) in Store. The egg is available in the Dragonpalooza and there's a chance in being available on a Weekly Sale with an Adult Ticket File:Dragons adult token.png or in a Family Bundle with the Stormcutter and the Boneknapper.

The egg is also available in the Dreadfall Maze Treasure Chest 8 with 2.5% chance, and in the Dreadfall Dragon Egg Clutch with 25% chance.


  • In spite of being Mystery Class, the egg is located under the Sharp Class.

We will run down all the Stats from the Bonestormer following the natural Stat order.


Bonestormer is available for Thunder Run Racing and Flight Club, Dragon Card lists the following data:

  • Max. Speed: 7
  • Pitch Rate: 5
  • Turn Rate: 5
  • Acceleration: 7.1
  • Firepower: 5.8

Bonestormer's Flight Data lists the following raw Data.

  • Turn
    • RollTurnRate:
    • RollDampRate:
    • MaxRoll:
    • YawTurnRate:
    • YawTurnFactor:
  • Pitch
    • PitchTurnRate:
    • PitchDampRate:
    • Fly/Glide Max Up Pitch:
    • Fly/Glide Max Down Pitch:
    • Climb AccelRate:
    • Dive AccelRate:
  • Speed:
    • Speed:Min:
    • Speed:Max:
    • SpeedDampRate:
    • ManualFlapAccel:
    • ManualFlapTimer:
    • BrakeDecel:

Simplified, the Bonestormer has (to do).


Bonestormer has 6 shots with 1ms cooldown, takes 38ms for a full recharge. They do 14 damage with a critical of 28, has 23% change of shooting a critical shot. Their range is 59 and has 884 HP at max level.

Per second, the Bonestormer can do 17.2 damage per second.


A Lvl. 50 Bonestormer has 400 of Attackpower File:Dt attackpower.png, 350 of Firepower File:Dt firepower.png, 450 of Healpower File:Dt healpower.png, and 3850 of Health, with a permanent 3 Movement File:Dt movement.png, 200 Critical Chance File:Dt critical chance.png, and 50 Defense/Dodge File:Dt defense.png. Down below is a table containing the ATK, FPR, HPR, and HP from Level 1 to 50.

Bonestormer's DT Stats per Level
Level File:Dt attackpower.png ATK File:Dt firepower.png FPR File:Dt healpower.png HPR Health
1 8 7 9 175
2 16 14 18 250
3 24 21 27 325
4 32 28 36 400
5 40 35 45 475
6 48 42 54 550
7 56 49 63 625
8 64 56 72 700
9 72 63 81 775
10 80 70 90 850
11 88 77 99 925
12 96 84 108 1000
13 104 91 117 1075
14 112 98 126 1150
15 120 105 135 1225
16 128 112 144 1300
17 136 119 153 1375
18 144 126 162 1450
19 152 133 171 1525
20 160 140 180 1600
21 168 147 189 1675
22 176 154 198 1750
23 184 161 207 1825
24 192 168 216 1900
25 200 175 225 1975
26 208 182 234 2050
27 216 189 243 2125
28 224 196 252 2200
29 232 203 261 2275
30 240 210 270 2350
31 248 217 279 2425
32 256 224 288 2500
33 264 231 297 2575
34 272 238 306 2650
35 280 245 315 2725
36 288 252 324 2800
37 296 259 333 2875
38 304 266 342 2950
39 312 273 351 3025
40 320 280 360 3100
41 328 287 369 3175
42 336 294 378 3250
43 344 301 387 3325
44 352 308 396 3400
45 360 315 405 3475
46 368 322 414 3550
47 376 329 423 3625
48 384 336 432 3700
49 392 343 441 3775
50 400 350 450 3850
Bonestormer's Actions
Ability Description Range Turns to reload Additional Effects
Main Blast 2x FPR damage Long 1 File:DT burning status.png May burn the target, dealing extra damage for 2 turns.
Second Tail Crunch 5x FPR damage Close 4 File:DT Stunned Status.png 50% chance to stun for 2 turns.
Role-Based Third Flame Jacket 4x FPR damage Close 4 -
Fourth Defend Boosts DEF, replaces other DEF abilities Self 1 File:DT increase defense.png Boost your dodge to 75%.

Broad Dragon Hatchling and Adulthood

File:THW icon.png Bioluminescent Patterns

Other Appearances