Storm Reforged

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File:! icon.png

The key could be somewhere on the ocean floor, but searching for it all over could get dangerous. You should search the shipwreck for any sign of the key.

1-Search the ship for the key


File:! icon.png

Could the key be in the underwater canyon on the other side of this ravine?

2-Search the underwater canyon


File:! icon.png

There's no sign of the key anywhere... Perhaps you should click on the diving bell and head back to the surface and look around on the surface, where it's safe.

3-Head back to the surface


File:Eret icon.png

Praise to Aegir! You're just in time, [your Viking's name]. There are Dragon Hunters swarming all over this place, and I can really use your help getting out of here in one piece!

Come to my ship, my friend, and I'll pass on some clues to the things you're looking for. I'll fend off their attacks for as long as I can until you can give me some backup. Don't fret- ol' Eret's got a lot up his metaphoric sleeves for these thugs!

4-Talk to Eret


File:Eret icon.png

So, Heather and I were doing a little reconnaissance at the Dragon Hunter base when we overheard a very important conversation. These bumbling idiots somehow got their hands on the key before us. Can you believe it? They had to get the jump on us, right when we were so close to the treasure!

Well! I think that's enough talk, don't you? Let's see this through to the end!

5-Destroy the Dragon Hunter ship and recover the key


File:Eret icon.png

A-ha! Thake that, you little weasels.

There! You've made a clear path to the key. Can you grab it before the dragon hunters can regroup?

6-Grab the key


File:Eret icon.png

Let's get this done before they screw up the courage to fight us again. I'll defend your ship on the surface while you head back down and open that chest. Good luck!

7-Get back underwater and click on the chest


File:! icon.png

You should get back to Eret and make sure that he's okay

8-Return to the surface


File:Eret icon.png

Did you get it? Was it the last bit of the treasure?

Excellent! I had no doubt we could do it!
These yellow-bellied cowards are running with their tails tucked between their legs. I'll make sure that they sail far away from our waters!

I bet Fishlegs and Gobber and everyone at Berk are waiting with baited breath to see if we've found enough pieces to restore our weapon. Go on ahead without me, [your Viking's name], and I'll catch up when I'm done escorting these idiots out of here.

9-Head to Gobber's Smithy at Berk


File:Gobber icon.png

Now... what do we have here?

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Wow, wow, wow! This is it! We're going to be the ones to make the mythic Stormshatter whole again. I can barely hold still! Can you give Gobber all the pieces that you've found in the treasure hunts? Then we can figure out how we can reforge this amazing weapon.

10-Give the pieces to Gobber


File:Gobber icon.png

You found this blade under the sea at Ship Graveyard? It's hardly taken any water damage at all! Our ancestors knew what they're doing, didn't they?

Well, I shouldn't sound so surprised. It was my grandpappy who made the sword in the first place, and there's blacksmithing blood coursing through our veins. Making illustrious weapons is sort of our thing, and this is just another good example.

All right, then! Grump, let's get this working. [Your Viking's name], can you click on the forge and take the sword out?

11-Click on the forge

File:Stormshatter chest.png
Stormshatter Chest

File:Gobber icon.png


No, I'm not crying. Don't look at me! Just - just go tell Hiccup, please.

12-Bring Hiccup up to date on the news


File:Hiccup icon.png

Amazing! Stoick used to tell me stories of this weapon, and of my great-grandfather... I never thought we'd be holding this weapon on this hill, while I watch over Berk as the chieftain.

Thank you, [your Viking's name]. Because of you and Eret, we have this precious link to our past. I'm sure our ancestors are smiling down on us, proud that we are protecting our village with their weapon.

Speaking of our favorite ex-dragon wrangler, it looks like ret is pulling into the harbor right now! Can you pass along my congratulations?

13-Talk to Eret


File:Eret icon.png

Is that the beauty?

Stormshatter, huh? This weapon certainly lives up to the name. It looks dangerous on all sides!

We did it, [your Viking's name]. We beat the Dragon Hunters fair and square and solved a fun treasure hunt. We'll have to do it again sometime! I'll be your partner any time you'd like, friend.
