The Aftermath

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File:Valka icon.png

Thank the heavens it's over. I'm very impressed that you were able to achieve this without harming dragon or Viking! The spirit of dragons truly runs through you, wild one, and you should continue to embrace it.

The Archaeologist wanted to speak with you before he headed out again. You'll find him by the docks.

1- Talk to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Another adventure in Berk! You make life interesting, [your Viking's name]. Thank you for saving my life on Death Song Island. I won't be going back to that cursed place by myself anytime soon. Without your help, I would have been draogn food!

As I travel the world and study people from long ago, I can get myself into spots of trouble. I'll call on you if I ever get into a jam, my friend.

You should be proud of what you've accomplished here. Talk to Hiccup, and I'm sure he'd say the same thing!

2- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

We're venturing into unknown territory here with the baby Death Song! Well, you are. Don't worry, I'm here to help. Talk to me if you ever run into problems with your baby Death Song. The Death Song can grow up to be a dangerous predator, but maybe your influence can make it coexist with other dragons.

You know, you and Astrid worked really well together. I was very impressed. She told me to send you in her direction when we were through. Go talk to her!

3- Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

There's my partner! We protected Berk from the biggest danger it's seen in years. Wasn't that exhilarating? Whoo! Some day, you and I should join the Berk Guard together.

Oh, Heather told me that she was looking for you. I think I saw her at Sven's farm. You should go talk to her.

4- Talk to Heather

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

We did something incredible together. Thank you for trusting in me, even when I was hiding my identity. You knew my secret and you respected my decisions, whether you agreed with me or not. We've been through the forge of battle together now, and I know I have a true friend in you.

I need my identity secret for a little bit longer... I think Valka knows I have the best intentions for the village now, but you should talk to her. I think I saw her at the entrance to Sven's Farm in Berk.

5- Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

Thornado, Hiccup has told me everything about you, Stoick's old friend. You came back and helped when Berk needed you. I can feel the bond you had with my husband... and I thank you.

[Your Viking's name]. I didn't notice you there. You derserve the highest of praise for how you helped with the Death Song. As we discover more about our world we often come across strange new threats. It is the risk we must take.

We need more dragon trainers like you if we want to learn about these mighty creatures. I'll rely on you in the future, young dragon trainer.
