Loose Ends

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File:Heather icon.png

Now that we've solved that, we have just one more point of contention. We need to destroy the Death Song's nest in Berk! We'll need to help out at Sven's farm. Hiccup will help lead us through it.

1- Go to Sven's Farm


File:Hiccup icon.png

[Your viking's name]! Boy, am I glad that we don't have to fight the Death Song anymore. That may have been the second most dangerous dragon we've ever faced! And this time, I didn't have to lose any limbs...

Now that we found the Death Song a bigger food source at the Ship Graveyard, we should help poor Sven get his farm back.

The Death Song nest has a really intriguing shape, don't you think? From my observations, it looks similar in form to ant and termite nests. I wonder what's inside of the nest. Lots of bones of its prey, I bet! Let's take a look.

2- Look inside the nest


File:Hiccup icon.png

Is that a baby Death Song?

Well, I bet the baby Death Song isn't nearly as dangerous as the full grown type, but let's be cautious. Walk up slowly to the dragon and show it you don't mean harm. Click/Tap on the baby Death Song.

3- Click/Tap on the baby Death Song


File:Hiccup icon.png

Aww, he took right to you! Maybe he was lonely up here.

When we drove the Death Song away from Berk, we must have driven it away from its baby! Oh no. We need to fix that. Let's take the baby Death Song to its home in Melody Island.

4- Go to Melody Island


File:! icon.png

Click/Tap on the baby Death Song and lead him to the Death Song nest.

5- Lead the baby Death Song to the Death Song nest


File:! icon.png

The Death Song is not attacking. Perhaps it is still full from eating that giant eel.

It doesn't look like it wants the baby back. Maybe it left the baby on purpose? Some animal species don't nurture their babies.

If the Death Song won't take care of its baby, it will need protection and guidance from a dragon trainer, like yourself. It already seems fond of you! Click/Tap on him so that you can train him.

6- Click/Tap on the Death Song baby


File:! icon.png

You have formed a bond with the baby Death Song!

[item: 1 baby Death Song]


File:! icon.png

You should leave this island and go back to Berk before you wear out your welcome with this dangerous dragon.

[the "congratulations!" and customization windows for the Death Song appear]

7- Go back to Berk


File:Valka icon.png

Ah, just the Viking I wanted to see. Come talk to me when you have a moment.
