The Death Song Menace

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File:Headmaster icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! Thank Odin you're here. The Death Song is attacking the Training grounds. Please go there and help, but be careful. You are one of our best students, [your Viking's name], and we don't want you getting stuck in amber. Ride with the wind!

1- We need help in the Training Grounds!

[animation of the Death Song exiting fireball frenzy]


File:Snotlout icon.png

No! Hookfang! No!

File:! icon.png

The Death Song has taken Hookfang! You should make sure Snotlout is okay. Check up on him by Fireball Frenzy.

2- Talk to Snotlout and see if he needs help


File:Snotlout icon.png

For Thor's sake, forget about me. That ravenous beast took Hookfang! Please! If you don't go to Melody Island now, my precious Fangster will be eaten whole. I need you and I need your help.

I'll be fine... even if my toe is starting to cramp.

3- Go to Melody Island

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Here we are in the belly of the beast... figuratively, at least. Let's make sure the Death Song doesn't make that a reality.

Thank Thor, Thornado is here to help. Tap on him to mount him.

4- Click on Thornado and mount him

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Let's go to the Death Song's nest. You've been here with the Archaeologist, right? You should take point while I cover our back. Tap on me and lead me to the nest.

5- Lead Heather to the Death Song nest

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

That looks terrifying...

There's Hookfang! It looks like we got here in time.

Windshear's immune to the hypnotic song! Remind me to thank Snotlout for his useful invention. We need to act quickly to save Hookfang. I'll fly up and distract him. You go in and free Hookfang! Let's go!

6- Free Hookfang

[note: you need to unmount Thornado to dissolve the amber, but he will remain just outside the nest area and you can mount it again after that]

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

You did it!

Oof, I need your help right away. We want to keep its attention on us and not on Hookfang. Fly up and tell Thornado to hit the Death Song!

7- Shoot the Death Song with Thornado's sound blasts (3)

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

[after first shot] Great! I think it's working Try shooting the Death Song again.

[after second shot] Keep it up!

[after third shot] Okay, I'm pretty sure we have its attention now...

Let's get it over to the Ship Graveyard. I'll keep its attention but make sure it doesn't turn back! Thornado will be able to keep it in line, so make sure to keep hitting it with sonic blasts!

8- Fly out to the Ship Graveyard

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

I think our plan worked, [your Viking's name]- The Death Song took to the eel right away and struck it with its amber blast. With all these eels in this place, it won't be bothering berk for food.

Most animals that migrate, or move, from one habitat to another do so because of a few reasons. Some migrate to look for better nesting areas. Some migrate to avoid the harsh climates that come with different seasons. The primary reason why animals migrate is to look for food sources.

As long as the animal has a good food source, it won't migrate to any new habitats!

Meet me at the School when you're ready, but first we need to go back to the Training Grounds and tell everyone the great news. I guess we can free Snotlout, too...

9- Go back to the Training Grounds


File:Snotlout icon.png

Hookfang! I'm so happy you're still alive! I knew that you'd be just fine, you big dumb dragon. How could you let yourself get captured like that and worry me sick?

[Your Viking's name], help me out of here. I've fallen and I can't get up. Please get me out of this amber.

10- Free Snotlout from the amber


File:Snotlout icon.png

Thank you, thank you... I take back almost everything I said about you. The Snotlout is back!

11- Meet Heather at the school


File:Heather icon.png

What a rush! We did an amazing job at Melody Island, [your Viking's name], and found the Death Song a good food supply. Great work!
