The Legacy of Harald

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

I don't know how it happened. The evil pirate knew exactly how to find me. He sailed into safe harbor without hesitation, captured me, and stole everything from my camp. You should be able to shatter the lock of this cage with your axe.

1- Use your axe to free the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Whew! Thank you, my old friend. This experience reminds me of the time I ran into a particularly unfriendly tribe far from here. It's a memory I would much rather forget.

I did learn something new! It's the only favorable thing to happen to me in a few weeks, I'm afraid. Little Muddie has great instincts. As soon as Harald trapped me in this cage, Little Muddie knew that there was trouble afoot. He went to hide far away from the hunter. What a smart little dragon!

Can you find him at his swamp and make sure that Harald didn't catch up to him? Use your axe against his rock to make one of his favorite noises. I'm sure he'll poke his head out if he's nearby.

2- Hit the rock at Muddie's favourite swamp

[animation of the Mudraker flying out of the water]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

There's my clever boy!

Come back to camp, [your Viking's name]. Our friends have arrived. Backup in case the dreaded Harald Forkbeard was still around, I gather?

3- Come back to camp


File:Hiccup icon.png

I trusted Harald because he seemed so friendly about dragons, and instead he took advantage of us. I even let him make me doubt you. I'm sorry.

File:Astrid icon.png

No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have let down my guard. I should have known that we were letting a snake into our midst.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Many great Vikings have been fooled by Harald Forkbeard. We've crossed paths many times, and he's never failed to prove himself a crafty manipulator and skilled thief. We need to figure out how to protect ourselves from him more than place blame.

File:Hiccup icon.png

I guess not even dragons can protect us from liars. We'll have to be more careful about who we trust in the future and take steps to keep us safe. We should spread the word about Harald. Berk and the School need to know that he's operating nearby.

[Your Viking's name], will you fly back to the School and tell Heather of the threat of Harald?

4- Talk to Heather at the school


File:Heather icon.png

Harald? Harald Forkbeard was at Dragon's Edge? That Viking is bad news. I saw him dealing with the Dragon Hunters... and it didn't seem like it was the first time.

[note: the following dialogue will show the Archaeologist's icon in game, but it was probably meant to be a continuation of Heather's dialogue]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

I'll get to work on creating something we can use to warn everyone. While I do that, will you talk to Johann about Harald? I know that he trades all across the archipelago. Maybe he'll have some more insight on the villain.

5- Talk to Johann

Johann the Trader

File:Johann the Trader icon.png

Harald Forkbeard is not a man to be trifled with, dear [your Viking's name]. He will tell you exactly what you need to hear to let him into your grace, then stab you directly in the back! I don't mean that figuratively, either. I've got the scar to prove it.

File:Heather icon.png

I think I've got it, [your Viking's name]. Come back and see my handiwork.

6- Talk to Heather to get the posters


File:Heather icon.png

I remember Harald's face very well, so I drew a small painting of the man for these wanted posters. Now, no one will be confused about what sort of pond scum this guy is.

I'll need your help to put these up at a place where there's a lot of Viking foot traffic. We need to get the word out there so that no one else gets fooled by the thief! Can you put this up on the school building and the entrance on the Hatchery? I'll place one up by the Lab.

7- Put up the WANTED poster at school (2)


File:Heather icon.png

Great! We need to spread the word at berk, too. Go to Berk and place these posters up by the Great Hall, by the Job Board, and by the docks.

8- Put up the WANTED poster at Berk (2)


File:! icon.png

Now that the School and Berk have warning up on Harald Forkbeard, you should put them up at Dragon's Edge.

9- Put up the WANTED poster at Dragon's Edge (2)


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Look at his smug face. It's worse that Snotlout's after he won Thawfest. This paining makes me hate him even more.

It's a very good likeness.


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Soon, sister, soon. We'll catch up to him and give him a bit of the Thornston treatment! I promise you, his clothes will itch so much he'll want to jump into a nest of Fireworms to make it stop.


File:Legacy of harald (1).png
double Muddie glitch
  • For step 2, it can happen that the Mudraker is already out of the water. The animation will then add a second Muddie on the same spot of the other.
