This Will not Stand

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File:Astrid icon.png

Do you know what bothers me the most about this situation, [your Viking's name]? This thief sneaks into our base, learns all about dragons, and then has the gall to demand a ransom to give us our own stuff back! Argh!

We need to trick him into thinking he beat us... then boom! We trick him right back!
Let's see where he wants his goods. I have the ransom note. Talk to me and I'll give it to you!

1- Talk to Astrid

[item: 1 Ransom Note]


File:Astrid icon.png

Will you open your Backpack and click on the ransom note?

2- Click on the ransom note in your Backpack

File:Ransom note map.png
Ransom Note map

File:Astrid icon.png

I hate to compliment the no-good double-crosser but he did a great job in making this map. He must have charted out the islands around Dragon's Edge as he followed us there. Hiccup's working on maps from the air so they're a touch more accurate, but only just.

The object on the bottom left of the map is a compass rose; it's a symbol that shows the cardinal directions (north, east, south, and west) on a map. It helps us know which way to go to find which island.

Let's see... the island he wants us to put the ransom is due west of us. Fly to the west and find the island he's talking about!

3- Go to Hobblegrunt Island


File:Astrid icon.png

Hobblegrunt Island... We met the Dragon Hunters here and I never saw Harald here. Is there a connection between the Dragon Hunters and Harald?! I don't understand; he helped us rescue those wounded dragons from the Dragon Hunters.

Well, that's a mystery for another time. I'll ask him about it after I've beat him down.

If we want to trick him, we'll need to lure him in with a fake set of goods. Can you go back to Gobber at Berk and ask him for a set of crates?

4- Talk to Gobber about crates


File:Gobber icon.png

I've got plenty of crates and boxes left over from when we traded for building materials form Johann. You can have as many of them as you'd like!

It seems like you and Hiccup have gotten into some trouble out at Dragon's Edge. I understand that you kids want to solve this on your own without interference from me or the other adults.

I hope you know that you can come to us if you need more than a bit of help! My axe hand attachment hasn't been in a fight in so long, it's starting to gather rust!


File:! icon.png

You should talk to Fishlegs about the thing Harald really wants: the telescope!

5- Talk to Fishlegs about the telescope


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I'm not surprised Harald wants it. In my opinion, the telescope is a technological marvel! You did a great job making it with Hiccup. I love that it lets me explore the stars, since I'll never be able to go there myself. It's a good substitute!

The telescope is way too valuable to put into Harald's hands, even for a moment. Can you think of how powerful Harald would be if he could use the telescope whenever he wanted?

Maybe we can figure out a way to fake the telescope being in a ransom crate, but we'd be in trouble if he picks up the box and notices that it's empty.

I can think of no one better for trickery and guile than the twins. Will you talk to Ruffnut about our options?

6- Talk to Ruffnut


File:Ruffnut icon.png

You've come to the right Vikings. It'll be our pleasure to make Harald get Loki'd. I'm thinking that we go to the basics for this one, brother. How about the old Happy Snoggletog?

File:Tuffnut icon.png

Good choice! The Happy Snoggletog is a Thornston Special, [your Viking's name]. You get your wrapped present from your sister. You shake it to see what it could be, and you get excited because it has the right weight for an axe or a cool Viking helmet. You open it - and poof! A box of rocks.

I've had a lot of special holidays ruined by the Happy Snoggletog. Ah, memories.

Now the telescope is much larger than a present, but the same principle applies. Find a bunch of boulders and we'll fill the box. Only the highest quality boulder will do for a Tuffnut prank; get us 2 boulders from dark Deep, the home of boulders!

7- Find 2 boulders at Dark Deep


File:Ruffnut icon.png

The boulders aren't enough. We need to really splash him with the nasty stuff. Imagine this: he thinks the telescope is his and he opens the crate. And in the moment of triumph? A face full of rotten fish odor. Hehe. Loki'd!

I keep an emergency cache of prank goods under the waterfall at Berk. Can you go there and "fish" out a couple of rotten fish? Sorry about the smell.

8- Find rotten fish at Ruffnut's pranking cache in Berk


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Bring them to me!

9- Give the boulders and fish to Ruffnut


File:Ruffnut icon.png

You can count on me to make this happen, [your Viking's name]! I'll get to work on it right away while you work on the next part of the trap with Hiccup.
