Plan in Motion

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File:Hiccup icon.png

That's an interesting plan, but how will we give Harald the "present"? First, we need to figure out a way to stop him. We need to catch him in a way that won't let him run or talk his way out of it!

Astrid is working on a plan and I trust that she knows what she's doing. Will you help her out?

1- Meet Astrid at Scuttleclaw Island


File:Astrid icon.png

As much as I would like to have Stormfly spike him to a plank, that would make me as bad as he is. So, instead, we just need to figure out a way to keep him from getting away. It got me to thinking about our adventure on Scuttleclaw Island, when we had to fly to keep away from the Skrill. We found a cave there that was a Flightmare nest.

The Flightmare has a paralyzing mist that can freeze a person in place. Trust me, I've felt it--personally. It would be a perfect tool to freeze Harald Forkbeard. Maybe we'll find the dragon in his cave!

Let's go there and see if we can get some of his mist. I'll meet you at the mouth of the cave, [your Viking's name].

2- Meet Astrid at the Flightmare cave in Scuttleclaw Island


File:Astrid icon.png

I don't hear anything. I wonder if the Flightmare is here...

Keep your eyes out for the Flightmare, [your Viking's name]. Click on me and we'll go into the cave--together.

3- Click on Astrid and follow her into the cave


File:Astrid icon.png

Oh no... the dragon isn't here. How will we paralyze Harald if we can't get the mist from the Flightmare?

Hmm. Look at the walls of the cave here. They're glowing a little bit. It reminds me of how the Flightmare mist glows behind him as he flies across the sky.

Wait! Do you think this is Flightmare mist, just in a different state of matter? Maybe we can use this, instead! Use your axe to chip off some pieces of the frozen mist from the wall.

4- Chop off some ice with your axe (3)


File:Astrid icon.png

This is great! We can experiment on one of the pieces and have some left over if it ends up being useful.

We should test this object and see if it actually is Flightmare mist. Let's get these frozen pieces back to the Edge.

5- Return to Dragon's Edge


File:Astrid icon.png

This object doesn't have any use to us frozen. It's currently in a solid state. If we add heat energy to it, it will change state into liquid form.

I borrowed a bowl from the stables. Come here and we'll conduct our experiment!

6- Approach Astrid by the experiment


File:Hiccup icon.png

I would step back from the bowl, Snotlout. We're trying to conduct a safe experiment. We think that ice is Flightmare mist, and it needs to melt or change state to a liquid before we can use it. We just need to test it and see if that's true.

File:Snotlout icon.png

Come on, Hiccup! Sorry, but time is money and I don't have time to watch ice melt. We need to hurry this up with some Hookfang flames!

File:Hiccup icon.png


File:Astrid icon.png

No, let him. I'd love to watch him perform this experiment.

File:Snotlout icon.png

Yeah! The Snotlout experiment is a go! Shoot the bowl with [your dragon's name], [your Viking's name].

7- Shoot the bowl with [your dragon's name]


File:Snotlout icon.png

This is taking too long! Hookfang, let's show these guys how to do it the Snotlout way!

[animation of Hookfang firing the bowl, and Snotlout getting paralyzed from Flightmare mist]


File:Astrid icon.png

That's Snotlout for you! The FLightmare toxin changed from a solid state, to a liquid state, to a gas state, each time energy was added. And as an extra bonus, Snotlout is temporarily paralyzed! Anything to say Snotlout? ....Snotlout?

Say... is Snotlout okay?

8- Check on Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Astrid, you know, a kiss would probably revive me...

File:Astrid icon.png

Ugh. Sounds like he's his usual self, to me.


The episode that Astrid mentions after step 1 took place in Fright of Passage, from the Defenders of Berk series.


  • (minor) the Flightmare ice in the cave and in the bowl appear white
  • (typo) In Hiccup's dialogue after step 6, "and it needs to" is repeated.
