The Die is Cast

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File:Hiccup icon.png

This is the answer we needed! We need to spray Harald with the paralyzing mist when he tries to get his ransom box. Fishlegs made some glass containers we can use to bottle the liquid. I'll work on a mechanism that will break the bottle of Flightmare mist when the chest opens.

We need to melt this ice into Flightmare liquid. Can you ask [your dragon's name] to shoot a fireball at the bowl?

1- Shoot the Flightmare ice in a bowl with a fireball


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Excellent! I'm going to put the liquid into a gas.

File:Hiccup icon.png

Good job, Fishlegs! Now that we have the Flightmare liquid in the bottle, we should add a little heat to make the liquid a gas without breaking the bottle. Remember, when a liquid changes state to a gas it expands. We have to be careful and heat it up slightly.

[Your Viking's name], have your dragon just shoot a low heat fireball-- not full power. A good dragon trainer can control how much force their dragon shoots. You can do this.

2- Shoot the bottle to turn the liquid into a gas


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow! That's perfect! You did an amazing job. I knew you could do it!

You asked Gobber for crates and chests to make a fake ransom earlier. Now, where did we keep it?

I remember now! You told me about Ruffnut's strange idea to put boulders into it. Can you check with the twins and see where we are with the ransom?

3- Talk to Ruffnut about the crates


File:Ruffnut icon.png

It took Tuffnut and me a lot of time to find the perfect rocks for the fake telescope in the ransom. This chest is now the exact weight of a telescope.

File:Tuffnut icon.png

Yeah, no need to thank us. Pranking is an exact science, and we take a lot of pride in our creations.

[item: 1 Ransom Crate]


File:Hiccup icon.png

I've set up the treasure chest to shatter the FLightmare mist when Harald picks this lock and opens it. We're just about ready to go! Will you give Astrid the crates from Ruffnut?

4- Give the ransom boxes to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

This is great! It looks really convincing.

Let's go to the ransom spot at Hobblegrunt Island, [your Viking's name]. Hiccup, Snotlout-- you have to stay here. If Harald sniffs out an ambush, he'll never come collect his bounty and he'll never fall into our trap.

5- Go to the ransom spot in Hobblegrunt Island


File:Astrid icon.png

Does the chest look good to you? Great. Come find me. I'm in the trees!

6- Find Astrid in the trees


File:Astrid icon.png

Well, now it's a waiting game.
