The Waiting Game

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File:Astrid icon.png

We need to be out of sight behind this camouflage so that Harald doesn't recognize that it's a trap. I hope we won't have to wait long for that traitor to come by...

Get into a good spot where you can see.

1- Hide behind the camouflage


File:Astrid icon.png

Quick, keep still! Is that him?

[animation of Harald opening the chest]


File:Astrid icon.png

Yes! It worked!

We need to see if the Flightmare gas worked. I have a little experience with it, myself, so I'm sure Harald is completely paralyzed... but I want to double check.

2- Check on Harald


File:Astrid icon.png

How dare you betray us after we took you in as a friend? I should smack you over the head with my axe!

I'll keep an eye on Harald Liar-Beard over here while you go get Hiccup. Don't worry, he won't get one over on me or Stormfly.

3- Alert Hiccup at Dragon's Edge


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good! I'm glad you caught him. We'll make sure the dragons he kidnapped are safe, get the Book of Dragons back, and maybe even get an explanation on why he would betray us.

I'll meet you at Hobblegrunt Island, [your Viking's name].

4- Go back to Harald at Hobblegrunt Island

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

You knew I couldn't resist trying to open that lock right away, huh? You lot pulled the wool over my eyes. I might have pulled a bit of a trick on you lot, but I know when I'm beat. Here's the Book of Dragons. It's unharmed, on my word.

File:Astrid icon.png

Like the word of Harald Forkbeard means anything to us.

File:Hiccup icon.png

What have you done with the dragons?
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

It was nothing personal mate, just business. They are a very lucrative trade in the right circles. You gave me the opportunity to take them, like leaving a shed door wide open.

It was too tempting for a legendary pirate like me. How could I resist?


File:Astrid icon.png

Legendary pirate? More like a common thief. We accepted you and you betrayed us! You're scum.

Don't beat about the bush. Tell us where the dragons are!

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Astrid, dear, I was only using them as means to an end.

Unfortunately, I ran into a small complication. The Dragon Hunters ambushed me a few leagues away from Dragon's Edge and stole the dragons. I know where they are taking them, and if you release me, I can sneak you into their camp.

Don't worry, I have a plan, if you'll listen...
