The Mystery of Sven's Farm

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Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Hello, dragon trainer. I saw the Death Song fly towards Sven's farm. I'm heading there now to eensure his safety. The farm is down this path. Tap on me and lead me down the road.

1- Click on the Rogue Dragon Rider and lead her to the nest

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Now there's a sight you don't see every day! Each animal has certain behaviors that help them survive. The Death Song must be using its amber to build a secure, unbreakable home.

I've seen this with bees or spiders. They collect materials for their nests. Death Songs only seem to collect animals - for lunch!

We need to make a few more observations. I'll keep an eye out for any dragons while you get closer to the nest - carefully! We don't want to be the Death Song's next meal.

2- Take a closer look

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

[Your Viking's name], look! Over there! Is that a dragon?

This dragon is trapped! Dragon fire won't dissolve this amber. We can't leave this dragon here in the Death Song's clutches.

The Alchemist of the School of Dragons might be able to figure out the science behind this amber-like substance if she has a sample to work with. Can you tap on the amber and chop off a piece?

3- Chop a piece of amber with your axe

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Watch out!

Let's get out of here! Get over here while I fend the dragon off.

'4- Run to the Rogue Dragon Rider! '

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

We need to leave while we still can. Click on me and let's get oout of here!

5- Follow the Rogue Dragon Rider out of the nest area

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

We have to save that dragon! I'm sorry I can't tell you who I am, but please take this nest sample to the Alchemist and help her find a way to free that dragon. Please hurry, [your Viking's name]!

6- Go to the Lab at the School


File:Heather icon.png

Hi [your Viking's name]! Give me a moment to catch my breath. I just came from the Wilderness!