The Alchemist

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I love exploring science as the Alchemist of the school but I figure I can continue pursuing that out here. I just need to figure out where I need to be.
— Heather [src]

The Alchemist AKA Heather is one of the professors in School of Dragons.

She is a secondary protagonist in the series Dragons: Riders of Berk and Dragons: Race to the Edge.


Heather is a young woman with a skinny complexion. She has black long hair loosely braided on her left shoulder, a triangular face, upturned almond shaped green eyes, long and small nose, and thin lips. Her model seems based on her younger self in the Dragons: Riders of Berk series.

Just like Phlegma, her outfit is taken from the original Alchemist instead of being based on the series. She wears a white long coat with brown sleeves, with visible stitches running lengthwise both on the front and back and on the sleeves, over green pants. She also wears googles on her head; simple metal pauldrons; what seems like a round medallion at their neck; simple bracers made of strips of light brown fabric or leather; a light brown belt with a squared golden buckle, to which 2 pouches are attached, and big high brown boots fastened with thin laces and with a fur rim at the top. On her hand she carries what seems a lens mounted on a pole.


According to SoD's profile, Heather is an expert and enthusiast in science, and she offers her knowledge of the scientific method to help students to learn what foods dragons prefer, where they like to sleep, and how to keep the livestock away from their new dragon neighbors. 

This side of her is not shown in the series, and in general her personality in game seems to differ from her animated version: there, she is a strongly independent girl, that at times seems to value more the pursue of her goals above friendship and collaboration (at least in the early seasons). It is hard to think she will settle down at the School and be a teacher. 


Heather is the daughter of Oswald the Agreeable and sister to Dagur the Deranged. However, she was separated from her family when she was a little girl, and she was raised by her adoptive parents. She first meets the riders as a spy of the Outcasts, but she was forced to do so because they kept her parents captive [Riders of Berk].

Years after these facts, Heather is now a rogue dragon rider, having successfully trained Windshear with the knowledge she gathered during her days in Berk. She fights alone against Berserker ships, that attacked her island and her family, and wants revenge against Dagur. Knowing that he is her brother comes as a shock to her [Race to the Edge season 1].

Heather apparently joins Dagur and the Dragon hunters, but she secretly spies on them to pass information to the riders. Viggo discovers her, but Dagur helps her escape [Race to the Edge season 2].

During [Race to the Edge seasons 3 and 4], she joins the riders in their rescues and battles, and slowly builds confidence with her brother Dagur, who is now repented of his past actions and is an ally of Berk.

In [Race to the Edge seasons 5 and 6], she is now living on Berserker Island and is Dagur's second-in-command.

To see more about Heather in the series, go here.

It is unknown at which point of the series timeline the game lore is situated. From her official profile on SoD's website, it is only said that she decided to go back to Berk once she knew about the opening of the School of Dragons, to work alongside Hiccup and his friends, and offer her scientific expertise [src].


Heather can be found:

In the Game

In the game, she's responsible for teaching the students/players about all things in science; including the scientific method (Cleaning solution), using The Lab (Mysteries of Gronckle Iron), physics (So Very Tired..., Frozen Dragon Water, Chocolate in a Bottle, etc.), chemistry (Scrubbed Clean: Part 2), properties of materials (Mulch's Sinking Adventure: Part 2, Home Heating, Back in the Saddle Again: Part 2, etc.), electricity (The Almighty Thor) and biology (Uh Oh - Illness in Berk!, Grimora Solutions).

She is not only knowledgeable, but she also "get her hands dirty" in creating new items with science, like soap (Scrubbed Clean: Part 2), ink (For My Son, Hiccup), paint (A Gift Fit for Astrid, Paint up a Storm).

Call of the Death Song

Due to the Death Song's attacks, Berk is full of Death Song amber, and Heather helps find a convenient way to dissolve it (The Death Song Amber).

Inspired by Heather's actions in Race to the Edge: Season 1, Heather appears as a mysterious Rogue Dragon Rider in the expansion Call of the Death Song. She appears for the first time with this alias in the quest The Mystery of Sven's Farm, helping the player in dangerous situations. Only later in the expansion's quest flow, her identity will be revealed.

Battle for the Edge

In this expansion we can see how Heather is conflicted between her duties as the school's alchemist, and her desire to help the Dragon Riders at Dragon's Edge against the Dragon Hunters. This can be seen in the quest The Hunter in the Blizzard and We Won!

As she was previously an ally of the Dragon Hunters (as seen in the series Race to the Edge, season 2), she thinks she can help defeat them, as she noted down their defenses and ways in a book. [src]

Other expansions

Heather as a minor role in other expansions, mainly appearing for guiding scientific experiments (like in Flame Whipper Unleashed! and Solving the Gas) or providing some material (Tea Time, Where Do We Go From Here?).

In Rise of Stormheart, she helps investigating the Grimora parasites (Grimora Solutions), and builds a noisemaker as defensive device (The Queen of the Sea).

In Wrath of Stormheart, she accompanies the player on a mission on Auction Island (An Old Friend).

Event Quests

Heather also gives some daily quests during events. In We Helpful Few she wants to improve the mood of some sad dragons, as "finding ways to be happy is an important part of being healthy". In Plentiful Feast, she asks for crops and produce, a role usually taken by Phlegma.



Heather admits she gets annoyed at Snotlout, but regards him as a "valued member of out team" [src].


Heather and Fishlegs aren't as close as in the series, but Heather helps Fishlegs documenting the scientific differences between dragon species [src].

Harald Forkbeard

Heather saw Harald dealing with the Dragon Hunters in an unknown occasion, but she remembers his face good enough to be able to create a portrait of him. She has the idea of creating posters to fix around the schools to warn students and vikings about him [src].


  • Strangely enough, it's never explained how did Heather became an alchemist;
    • Comparing the confirmed story and timeline from the Series and from School of Dragons', there's no connection between the two, instead, there's a large plot hole.
    • However, School of Dragons can be considered as an "Alternative Universe" and not used to connect with the official storyline.


Katrin the Curious

The Alchemist used to be Katrin the Curious, until 20th of September, 2013 as a part of the v5.4, it changed into Heather.

Katrin's profile on SoD website:

"Were it not for the circumstances, the tale of Katrin the Curious could have become a tale of any other runt on the outskirts of society. She grew up in a time when Vikings valued strength and obedience over everything else. Smarts and independent thought were useless to the village, and Katrin had plenty of both. She was never interested in battle or becoming another axe swinging Viking warrior. If you asked her, she would rather spend her time studying insects than fighting. More importantly, she has never been one to think ‘enemy’ at the sight of dragons. Instead, a thousand questions would race through her mind. How does the Gronckle fly with tiny wings? How do dragons breathe fire? Do dragons feel the heat of their own flame? How? Why?

Katrin won’t rest until she finds the answer to these questions, and many more. She is eager to throw herself into every problem placed before her, no matter how difficult it may be. Whenever she finds something she cannot explain, she takes out her tools and conducts experiments. In her lab, she often locks in on the problem and tunes out the rest of the world to solve the case.

Her opportunity to shine came shortly after the defeat of the Red Death. The Vikings of Berk were eager to mend their relationship with the dragons. After all, they needed to make a lot of changes to the village if they were going to keep dragons there. Katrin helped with the efforts while Hiccup recovered from the battle. Using the scientific method, she learned what foods the dragons preferred, where they liked to sleep, and how to keep the livestock away from their new dragon neighbors. Because of these efforts, she was the obvious choice for the position of Alchemist when the School of Dragons started.

Katrin doesn’t feel like the traditional teacher to her students. Perhaps it is her age; she is the youngest teacher at the School. Perhaps it is her overwhelming enthusiasm; she can talk a mile a minute when the conversation swings to her favorite topics. Perhaps it is her eagerness to play with dangerous things like fire. Several times during the day, people near the lab can hear loud explosions followed shortly afterwards by Katrin’s delighted laugh. Whatever the reason, students love to attend her science class because they know they’re always in for an exciting time!"