The True Meaning

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File:Valka icon.png

That's the thing, really. Despite all the troubles the Night Lights have brought to Berk, we are more than happy to see them frolicking in the snow with us. Toothless and the Light Fury brought their children to play with us all, the deepest sign of trust a parent can show.

It's more than anything I could have ever imagined those many years ago, when I had to flee Berk for their views on dragons.

Ah! Dagur the... Deranged, is it? I wonder what he thinks of this cheerful family scene in front of him?

1-Talk to Dagur


File:Dagur icon.png

So very exciting to be a part of the very first ever New Berk Snoggletog. I cherish that opportunity deep in my heart. I know that I've made a reputation of being a crazed fighting maniac (and well deservedly so!), but I've turned over a new leaf. Snow! Decorations! Cute dragon babies! Give all of them to me!

Ah! There's the man who brought this all together! Without Fishlegs's [sic] invitation and frankly, incessant reminders to join for this time, Mala and I might have not come to New Berk at this time.


File:Mala icon.png

It was worth it, love.

File:Dagur icon.png

Oh, more than! Thanks, Fishlegs.

2-Talk to Fishlegs


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I'm so glad our guests are enjoying their time here! I love helping decorate our homes for the seasons - it really gets everyone in the right mindset to celebrate. Snoggletog is no exception. Seeing other people enjoy our hard work is reward enough for me!

If there's anyone who enjoys the holidays more than me, it's Astrid! Please talk to her and see how she's doing with all of the festivities?

3-Talk to Astrid


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I love Snoggletog so much! This time of year, I can let my hair down, figuratively, and not worry about the town's defenses or Stormheart or Grimmel.

I can enjoy the time spent with my friends. Thank you for being a part of the Defenders of the Hidden World.

We're going to protect our way of life and keep our beloved dragon friend safe. I can't imagine any better way of spending our time.

The only person enjoying this Snoggletog more than me seems to be Hiccup! He's always enjoyed the holidays, even if I sometimes had to shove him into it, but there was no nudging required this year.

Can you talk to him and see if you can pry out the reason from him? I'd love to be able to capture whatever magic is capturing in him to be able to give him this feeling, year in and year out.

4-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

New Berk is starting to feel a little bit like home. Thank Odin, right? It wasn't an easy decision to take flight from the homes of our fathers, our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers, our great-great--

You get the point.

But we're here and we're surrounded by ones we love the most in the world. If that's not 'home', I don't know where is.


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None of this would have been possible without this guy. We've come a long way from that clearing on Berk, huh bud? Back then I was a scrawny little reject and you were just a terrifying legend. Now look at us both.

Can you give Toothless a good scratch under his chin? Walk up and tap on him.

5-Tap on Toothless


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Thank you for bringing your kids to our town, Toothless. You are an important part of our family. We couldn't celebrate the same without you.

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And how could we forget the graceful matriarch of the dragon family? Sure, Toothless might be the alpha, but we all know who the Night Lights listen to.

[Your Viking's name], would you walk over and tap on the Light Fury? She used to be wary of us, but I think we've proven our worth to her.

6-Tap on the Light Fury


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There are still a lot of questions floating in the horizon for us; a lot of enemies are out there, trying to take over the archipelago and harm dragons.

We have a large fight ahead of us, but for now, I'm so happy to be here with you and Astrid and all my favorite friends. Just in time for the holidays, right?

Happy Snoggletog, friend.