Ooh, they're in trouble...

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File:Astrid icon.png

Okay... Fishlegs is on his way to Berk right now to help decorate our old home. I think we have all our Tiny Tooth dragons in a row! All that's left is to enjoy the festivities and spend time with out friends and family.

1-Find Mala and Dagur


File:Dagur icon.png

Ah! Our third favorite Viking is here looking for us. Or is that our second favorite Viking, my love? I always get the rankings mixed up in my head.

File:Mala icon.png

Play nice, darling. Does it matter what the actual number is, as long as [your Viking's name] is in our heart? Thank you for the warm welcome, cherished friend.

File:Dagur icon.png

My Valkyrie of a wife is as wise as she is beautiful. Please, speak to Mala.

2-Talk to Mala


File:Mala icon.png

Our compliments to the village, [your Viking's name]. Your Snoggletog decorations are top notch, your cheer admirable! We brought this gift from our islands to share in the spirit of things. It's by your dragon hanger, but it looks like your... exuberant young dragons have gotten first dibs onto it.

File:! icon.png

Oh no! The Night Lights think it's a toy and they're going to destroy the gift if you don't stop them. [Your Dragons name] should shoot a warning fireball near them so that they scatter.

3-Shoot fireball near a gift


File:Dagur icon.png

Those little guys didn't do any permanent damage to our gift so there's no harm, no foul! Little whelps will be whelps, don't you think? Ha ha!

You don't need to chaperone us, [your Viking's name]. We're old allies and there I say, old friends? Mala and I are going to stroll around your charming village and enjoy the lovebird atmosphere.


File:! icon.png

Dagur is being incredibly accomodating, but you should still talk to Valka and let her know what happened.

4-Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

Oh dear.

I'm so glad that the Light Fury and Toothless brought their little ones to Berk, but they need to respect other people's property! Tiny Tooth dragons will always be mischievous but they should be more careful about other people's treasured possessions.

Perhaps Cloudjumper can get through to them; will you tap on Cloudjumper?

5-Tap on Cloudjumper


File:Valka icon.png

Those loveable rascals! It's impossible to stay mad at them.

Can you let Astrid know that the Night Lights will behave? Cloudjumper is an incredible guardian; I'm sure he'll keep a close eye on the dragons.

6-Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

We'll see if that works to calm them down. I think it's wonderful that they're boisterous. They're young, after all! Still, it would be nice to be able to walk through the town without a mischievous dragon tripping me...