Those lil Rascals!

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File:Hiccup icon.png

If you want a proper celebration, we better bring all our friends and family over to our home! Can you head to the School and tell Heather about our Snoggletog friends? I'm sure she'd be willing to spread the word!

1 - Talk to Heather at the School


File:Heather icon.png

That's an excellent idea! I was trying to figure out if I should visit my brother at Berserker Island or invite him over for Snoggletog. If Hiccup is planning something grand at New berk, I'm sure Dagur and Mala would be overjoyed to join in.

I'll send some Terror mail to the Defenders of the Wing and the Berserkers to let them know the big news. Berk always brings the heat when it comes to holiday cheer; I'm excited to see what our visitors will bring to the table!

Thanks for the heads up. Please head back home to New Berk and let everyone know they can count on me.

2 - Head back to New Berk
[animation of baby dragons running around]


File:Astrid icon.png

It's time for all hands on deck, [your Viking's name]!

I'm going to need all the help we can get if we want to corral all these naughty dragons. Let's put our heads together and form up a battle plan!

3 - Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Night Lights are incredible... but they're also incredibly charismatic and mischievous. They've started a Tiny Tooth revolution in the heart of our home!

These baby dragons are running around and not listening to anyone... other than the Night Lights, that is. I don't mind it when dragons have fun, but they're going to get hurt if they run around all willy-nilly.

We need to find the Night Lights and bring them back to their parents. Will you fly around the island and find the white Night Light, Pouncer?

4 - Find Pouncer


File:! icon.png

There's the little rascal!

Maybe he would want to fly together! You should tap on the Night Light and mount him.

5 - Tap on Pouncer and mount him


File:Astrid icon.png

Wow. That's incredibly friendly of the little guy. He seems much friendlier than his mom, who took a little bit of convincing before she trusted us.

That's one mischievous troublemaker down, two more to go! Can you fly around and look for this guy's brother?

6 - Look for Pouncer's sibling


File:Astrid icon.png

Great! Fishlegs tells me that our last playful dragon is somewhere nearby, causing all sorts of trouble. We need to corral him too, but we can't leave these two dragons alone... I guess you'll have to bring them both along!

Tap on Ruffrunner and lead them to their sister!

7 - Tap on Ruffrunner and lead him to the next Night Light


File:! icon.png

Now that you have all three of the Night Lights together in one place, you should tap on Dart and lead them all back to their parents.

8 - Tap on Dart and lead her to the Light Fury


File:Astrid icon.png

Dragon family, together at last - and more importantly, somewhere where they can't cause so much trouble for the rest of us!

Great job, [your Viking's name]. Will you talk to me?

9 - Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Thank you for running around and making sure these guys weren't causing too much havoc. They aren't used to living with us, so they could have gotten into a lot of dicey situations without your intervention!

Despite that headache, it's only right that they're here... It feels right to have our most loved family, friends, and dragons here with us for Snoggletog, don't you think?

It's going to be a good celebration.