The Unfortunate and the Bold

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We know a lot about our dragon friends, but we wouldn't even have known where to start without the help of one species man. Bork the Bold was my great-great-great-great-grandfather, and he wrote the Book of Dragons! I've decided you need to know more about him.

When Bork was a wee Viking lad, they called him Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate. He was a sheepherder! I asked the Headmaster to let some sheep loose at the school in Bork's honor. Will you go pick them up?

1- Find 10 sheep around the school (0/10)


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Great job! You're a natural shepherd!

You're doing much better than Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate ever did. He lost his entire flock to dragons. He was a blacksmith next, but the dragon burnt his smithy down!

How about you give a go at his next job? Go talk to Mulch. He's by the lake at the school.

2- Meet Mulch by the lake at school


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I'd love to talk about Bork the Bold. He was a legend of the village!

Before he wrote his famous notes on dragons, Bork was a fisherman for the village. I want you to catch a few fish to honor his memory.

3- Catch 3 fish


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Scauldrons came and ate Bork's entire haul of fish before he could bring it to the village! I guess he wasn't a very good fisherman. I would have saved the catch, if I were in his shoes.

When he couldn't get the hang of fishing, Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate became a farmer. You must be getting tired holding on to all those sheep. You should return them to Phlegma and she'll tell you more about Bork.

4- Return the sheep to the Botanist


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Thank you for gathering all the sheep. I think it's absolutely wonderful that you are learning more about Bork the Bold!

Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate tried his hand at farming. He and his lady love were going to be the best farmers in Berk!

You can put your hand at farming, too. Can you give me 1 head of cabbage and 2 sunflowers? You can grow them in your farm or buy them from the store!

5- Deliver cabbage and 2 sunflowers to the Botanist


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That's fantastic, dear. Poor Bork wasn't a farmer for very long. Dragons came and ate everything he grew!

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You've relived Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate's life now, but you still don't know how he became Bork the Bold! Hiccup has more to say about my ancestor. Find him by the Flight Club tower at the Training Grounds.

6- Talk to Hiccup by Flight Club


File:Hiccup icon.png

All right! Bork the Bold got his new name after he wrote down all that he knew about dragons in the Book of Dragons.

He figured out that dragons shared certain characteristics with other types of dragons. That's how he created the dragon classes and wrote them down for us to see. We're continuing his legacy by updating his knowledge!

What a helpful Viking, huh? Go into Flight Club in his honor and take a flight lesson.

7- Play Flight Club


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He had an interesting life, that Bork the Bold. Everyone thought he was useless to the village until he showed them all his worth. Any Viking can be remembered, just like my great-great-great-grandfather, if they put their heart into it!