
From DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki
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Reminder: Neither this wiki or its staff are affiliated with the official SoD Team! If you wish to contact the Wiki Staff, you can contact through the Wiki.
Wiki Admins
Wiki Moderators
Laura Dragonite

Or contact us via the Official School of Dragons Wiki Discord (non-registered users can join the server). We are also Hiring for Administration!

File:Lps100 header.png
Left to right: Machopede, Nhrosbliff, ScuttleDerp, Klenfar, Blaurlkt, Grumphlagus and Rapiadher
Record Photos
Additional Pages
  • History and in-game info
  • Dragon List
  • Test Games
  • Achievements
  • Chrono. Dragon Release List
  • To-Do List
  • Sandbox Dashboard
In-Wiki Information

I'm one of the four major admins in this wiki and one of the two major admins that adopted the admin place after noticing that this wiki has been inactive for a couple of years (the other major admin is Rosalaun). While I've been editing since 27th of September, 2015, it's only in 26th of December, 2015 that I requested the adoption of admin position - being succesful and the other major amin also adopting the position, we both successfully updated this wiki, gained two more amazing admins and continued on editing until who knows what.

My major edits go to dragons, providing pictures and often creating pages for them, however, I also provide description and update location pages as well as some minigames and quests.

Most active and edits the most, as well as always checking the wiki between hours and even minutes. However, I've not been feeling well, in a more mental and emotional state and due to said state, it has became a major reason why I suddenly stopped being active. I am NOT Silverweed/Silver WilloWing NOR am I related to her in any shape or form.

You can find me on:

  • SoD Forum: LPS100
  • Tumblr:
    • Main: LPS100
    • Art Blog: LPS100-Draws
    • Game-only: Nerd-Breached-Containment
  • Youtube: LPS100