User blog:YanagiNiTsubame/Dragon's Fire Range

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We now have the actual range stat listed in Stat Comparison

The Fire Range of a dragon, that is, from how far it can shoot a target, it's a characteristics that varies from dragon species to dragon species. However, there isn't an official in-game stat that reflects it.

This characteristics is really important for Battle Events, as the fartest you can shot the boat, the less damage you will receive from the ship's wepons, and this can heavily influence your final score. Being hit by the boat rocks or arrows not only lower your health, but also lower your score.

To help players in deciding which one of their dragons is best for battle events, you will find a table below with some user-made stats about the dragons fire range.

How is it calculated

To keep it consistent from dragon to dragon, the fire range was calculated as the distance needed to shoot one of the targets in Training Grounds. This was chosen because there are pieces of ice sheet in front of it, that can be used to delimitate "range areas" for each dragon. We are aware it is not extremely precise, as the ice pieces are of different size, but it is easy to calculate, it is consisten for all dragons, and it can help visualize the effective range for each species.

File:Fire Range scheme.png
Fire range scheme

For each Range area, a score is given to the dragon, from 0 (closest) to 5 (farthest), as for the scheme above. It is simply counting how many ice pieces the dragon has before it (including the one it's standing on), and still is able to shoot at the target.

Dragon Fire stats

The following table shows the fire ranges as calculated with the method above described, plus number of shots and base damage (from Stat Comparison), so the player can judge the overall performance of a dragon in battle events.

* Adult/Titan or Alpha Toothless

Dragon Specie Fire Range N° of Shots Base Damage*
Armor Wing 2 6 15
Boneknapper 3 6 10/11
Buffalord 2 6 23/25
Catastrophic Quaken 2 6 36
Changewing 5 10 11
Crimson Goregutter 2
Deadly Nadder 2 6 25/27
Death Song 2 8 14/?
Deathgripper 1 6 15/17
Devilish Dervish 1 8 20
Dramillion 3 15 17/19
Dreadstrider 2 6 15
Eruptodon 2 6 37
Fire Terror 4 5 15
Fireworm Queen 1 6 15
Flame Whipper 1 8 20
Flightmare 4 4 11/12
Grapple Grounder 2 6 16
Grim Gnasher 3 5 13/14
Groncicle 1 10 12
Gronckle 1 6 15/16
Hideous Zippleback 2 6 20/22
Hobblegrunt 0 13 13
Hobgobbler, Smitten
2 6 15
Hotburple 0 6 20
Light Fury 2 7 28
Moldruffle 2 3 23
Monstrous Nightmare 1 10 14/15
Mudraker 2 7 26
Night Fury 2 6 28/31
Night Terror 4 5 15
Prickleboggle 3 12 8
Raincutter 3 10 10
Razorwhip 2 10 19/21
Rumblehorn 3 4 14/16
Sand Wraith 2 8 11/12
Scauldron 3 14 9/10
Screaming Death 1 14 9/10
Scuttleclaw 2 8 10/11
Sentinel 1 8 14/15

Sentinel, Elder

1 8 15
Shivertooth 3 4 22
Shovelhelm 0 6 22
Shockjaw 1 9 10/11
Silver Phantom 2 6 19
Singetail 5 8 21
Skrill 2 4 16/18
Skrillknapper 2 6 13
Sliquifier 2 4 18
Slithersong 3 10 18
Smothering Smokebreath 3 5 16
Snafflefang 1 6 24
Snaptrapper 4 4 18
Snow Wraith 0 10 25/28
Speed Stinger 0 1 50/55
Stormcutter 1 8 15/17
Sweet Death 3 5 12
Terrible Terror 1 10 10
Thunderdrum 2 6 15/16
Thunderpede 3 4 18
Tide Glider 3 6 12
Timberjack 2 8 11
Triple Stryke 1 6 11/?
Typhoomerang 0 10 12
Whispering Death 4 10 10/11
Windwalker 2 8 16
Woolly Howl 3 6 15/17