Welcome to the Jungle

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File:Phlegma icon.png

I don't think they're following us. We need to find out more about these dragons. Clearly they have adapted to this environment and can live with the smell. Let's find a way out, and, if you don't mind, let's take a closer look at that particular plant.

1- Examine the strange plants in front of you


File:Phlegma icon.png

Fascinating! These are clearly tropical plants flourishing here in this humid climate. See these creeping plants with roots clinging to tree branches? They're called epiphytes.

Epiphytes absorb water through their leaves instead of the roots, so they can compete for water in the thick foliage of a jungle. We might have a hard time seeing where we need to go through this fauna(sic)... but I brought something that will help.

[Note: This is likely a mistake - things said by Phlegma are related to flora, not fauna]

[Item: 1 compass]


File:Phlegma icon.png

I spotted a bridge notheast of here while we were falling. I think that was what we were triggering inside the labyrinth. We should head that way.

2- Use the compass and head northeast


File:Phlegma icon.png

A dead end! If there's no way to go, we'll go through this maze of underbrush. We'll need to find a way we can push through. Let's go south.

3- Follow the path south


File:Phlegma icon.png

This flower has been eaten by some sort of animal. Be alert. This plant is an epiphyte called a ceriman. It's a tropical invasive species, which means it's not native to the ecosystem. It can cause a lot of harm if it's allowed to flourish.

4- Click on the Archaeologist and follow him


File:Archaeologist icon.png


O-kay... Slowly, back away from the angry dragon. I don't think it likes us being close while it eats.

5- Back away from the dragon and return to the Botanist


File:Phlegma icon.png

Great. You're back. Why are you shaking?

No matter. I've found a weakness in this underbrush that you can chop through. Don't worry; the fauna(sic) in jungle biomes is very aggressive, and it'll grow back quickly.

[Note: It likely should be flora, not fauna]

6- Chop through the plants


File:Phlegma icon.png

Ah! These strange dragons live here because they eat the cerimans that thrive in this environment. The smell doesn't bother them, somehow, so they can feast on their food without any competition. What a sweet deal for them!

7- Take the east path


File:Archaeologist icon.png

They're close... Goodness, my mind is conjuring images of their razor sharp teeth. We need to pick up the pace!

8- Chop through underbrush and head north


File:Phlegma icon.png

Good, we're out. What a tense situation! It was nearly as bad as the one time I went into battle with nothing but my armor and a sharpened mango.

That's not a very interesting story; we should keep our mind focused on the current task. Our Krayfin friend looks antsy. Follow him wherever he wants to go.

9- Follow the Krayfin


File:Phlegma icon.png

Just to be safer, shall we cross the bridge? I see more plants that would interest you, Phlegma.

[Note: These lines were probably meant to be said by Skulder, unless Phlegma is used to speak to herself]

10- Cross the bridge and examine the plants


File:Phlegma icon.png

These plants are more like the ones you're used to. These are philodendrons and ficuses. They're tropical plants, that prefer humid conditions, but they use their roots to absorb water and their leaves to absorb light.

Some species of philodendron are epiphytes and will wrap themselves around trees instead! There are so many subspecies that I could talk about them all day...



File:Phlegma icon.png

Thor on a hammer! It's the baby dragon we saw earlier. Don't touch her, [your Viking's name]. Her parents are already furious, so let's not make things worse. I think now it's the time to step back.

11- Back away from the dragon onto the stairs


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Am I the only one who noticed that dragon lost her tail? Will she be all right?

File:Phlegma icon.png

She didn't look or sound injured. She might have lost her tail as a defense mechanism. More importantly, did you see how she deftly flicked her tongue? I bet she can fling her fireball in a unique shape, like the ones we saw in the labyrinth.

Maybe we can name her a "Flame Whipper?" I hope we can see her again when tensions are low.