7th Clan Tournament

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Clash of the Clans
6th Clan Tournament 8th Clan Tournament

Vikings, prepare to saddle up and mount your fiercest dragons as our 5th annual bracket-style tournament Clash of the Clans has officially begun! Starting today, Dragon Riders from around campus will come together with their clans and participate in this competition, as they put their dragon trainign skills to the test. Be ready to speed through the tracks of Thunder Run Racing or go head-to-head in the tunnels of Fireball Frenzy, as you try to earn as many trophies as possible and prove your clan has what it need to become the TOP clan on campus!
— Brynjolf [src]

The 7th Clan Tournament or 5th Annual Tournment started in March 5th, 2017 and suffered both two minor Irregularity, one caused by the Sentinel Age-Up Glitch, and another caused by a single-player Clan, and a major Irregularity which resulted in a drastical change in the next Tournament.


Breaking All Rules (Great Heights) received the Golden Racing Goggles, a recolor of the Racing Goggles. It's unknown what stat boosts the goggles have.


In March 12th, 2018, the 2nd Round of Clash of the Clans and the Top 8 was announced, but players quickly saw an oddity in the Top 8: A Clan by the name of "The Rogue Racer" who was in the Top 8 is a Clan exclusively made of one single player.[rougeclan 1] This quickly sparked an arguement regarding how did a one-player Clan managed to get in the Top 8, with players agreeing that they shouldn't be there at all.[rougeclan 2][rougeclan 3]

Surprinsingly, the entire single-player Clan was all a ruse, Mosling of The Rogue Racer deliberately made dummy Vikings and gathered all the trophies with fair and square methods, all to test if single-player Clans can indeed be in the Top 8. The ruse was done to bring further awareness of just how broken the system is and just how much improvement and upgrades the system and the Tournament needs.[rougeclan 4]

This along with Playing Dummy Controversy resulted in drastical changes in the nest Tournament.

Around the first few weeks of the Tournament, suspicion rose up regarding three Vikings' Trophy count, namely Adad, Adios and XSPEEDRACERX, in March 11th, 2018.[playdummy 1] The recordings and the Trophy gathering statistics between March 5th and March 11th highlighted a very perculiar and oddly high amount of trophies gathered just under a week, all Viking earning around 10,000+ trophies[3], one user, member of Breaking All Rules, stated that those players in questions were earning trophies with dummy Vikings[playdummy 2], which to most, it is considered as cheating since earning Trophies with dummy Vikings is "competing against yourself".[playdummy 3] A competitor of Breaking all Rules, Strykana, stated that the co-leaders of the clan are very focus and dedicated, which included avoiding sleeping and playing at work. Though they aren't very surprised that the two players earned about 10,000 trophies and explained the average trophies they can earn in both Thunder Run Racing and Fireball Frenzy.[playdummy 4] While Storm affirms that it is the Admin's job to check how the Vikings have earned trophies, they do admit it seems rather excessive that both players earned around 20,000 trophies with their two Vikings in comparison to the other competitors.[playdummy 5] Things were getting worse, in March 23rd, 2018, Storm brought even more awareness of the two players, Adios and Adad, and their perculiar trophy gathering, stating that Fireball Frenzy isn't as busy as it seems and shown multiple recordings to further highlight their odd Trophy gathering, including one that shows the players still gathering Trophies even offline.[4] While some state that at some point, anyone can make their own Tournament if the Admins aren't going to do anything regarding the current problem[playdummy 6], some do state that the two Vikings in question are rather skilled and aren't surprised by the amount of trophies gathered[playdummy 7]. Two members of the Breaking All Rules came to Adios and Adad's defense, with Strykana stating the golden items Adad has are legitimate however didn't stated anything regarding the Trophy gathering[playdummy 8], and Explodantor stating Adios and Adad were never hackers and were always "smarter, better and honest".[playdummy 9] The Finals of the Clash of the Clans have arrived and both Breaking All Rules and FLYING COOKIES are the final Clans, some members of the community however weren't glad that Breaking All Rules were in the finals given the past accusations with proofs, with most exclusively congratulating FLYING COOKIES[playdummy 10][playdummy 11], with a few panning down without mentioning who for using dummy Vikings to gather trophies[playdummy 12]. And Storm wasn't equally glad either by re-bringing attention and awareness to Adios and Adad's playing dummy to gather trophies[playdummy 13]. Storm not only posted the links to the previous accusations with proofs, they also gave more recent, new proofs to further confrim that Adios and Adad are indeed playing dummy. Unfortunately, in spite of all the proofs, Breaking All Rules won[playdummy 14]. Similiar to the Finals, players mainly congratulated FLYING COOKIES for their efforts[playdummy 15][playdummy 16], but the community expressed disappointment in what happened throughout this Tournament, how the Tournament has become a bundle of arguements about Cheating, Drama and Division[playdummy 17], as well as disappointment in a certain Clan.[playdummy 18] However, some call those who complain about FLYINF COOKIES' loss "snowflakes" and congratulate Breaking all Rules for winning.[playdummy 19] Storm also expresses disappointment in both the Tournament and the Clan, sarcastically thanking the Admins for letting a cheating Clan win the Tournament and consider those who truly worked hard in winning the Tournament the "true winners".[playdummy 20] Strykana however congratulated the Clan for staying "strong admist the flurry of accusations and negativity", and complimented the clan by stating how talented and hard working they are[playdummy 21], in spite of multiple other players agreeing with Storm and further expressing disappointment that a cheating Clan won.[playdummy 22][playdummy 23] Ares then questions "Is it really cheating when someone invests hours and hours and hours building up extra accounts to help one get into a race because SOD can’t figure out how to get others to go into a race instead of just sitting in the lobby?" and states there isn't any rule against using dummy account[playdummy 24], but LilyStark explains that the problem was Adios and Adad were using dummy Vikings to cheapily pass the first 3 Rounds and ONLY in the last Round, they finally started fairly racing but at that point, Breaking All Rules had a much greater advantage; they also explain that them playing fair at the last Round doesn't excuse the other weeks of deliberately using dummies to fly past all Rounds.[playdummy 25] Ares then states how Adad got The Phantom Lords to earn 56,000 Trophies[playdummy 26] which promted to ShadowWolf100 to state that the Tournament is made to complete against players, race against players and play Fireball Frenzy against other players, instead of making multiple accounts and send thousands of challenges to themselves just to get quick Trophies, after all, "why bother put the effort of racing or fireball when I could just send myself challenges and get trophies that way or however he did it". ShadowWolf100 also stated that the Tournament is just a game and not real life, and while they (Breaking All Rules) can show off their goggles, the community knows who the real winners who toured fair and square really are (FLYING COOKIES).[playdummy 27] Strykana came to defend their Clan by bringing suspicion about how The Phantom Lords/Shadows were also accused for winning with a vastly large trophy count due to Adad being originally a Phantom Lord who helped them to be victorious in 2014's Tournament and be afloat for a while in 2015's Tournament. Essentially going through the exact same thing as Breaking all Rules, and questions the Phantom's catchphrase of "Once a Phantom, Always a Phantom".[playdummy 28] LilyStark gives an example of what the entire controversy between the community and Breaking All Rules can be summed up to:

Let me ask those that don’t get why BAR is receiving the accusations that it is. A test is coming up at school. A kid finds an ingenious way to cheat the test because the system is rigged. He invites a bunch of his friends and says “Hey, I found a way to easily ace this test; it will take a lot of time and effort but we are guaranteed to ace it.” So the kid and his one friend work and work to get the answers to the test. His other friends study for the test anyway. They work just as hard to get those test answers as the kids who actually studied for it. Now tell me, do you think the kid and his friends should pass the test?
— LilyStark [src]

While Strykana understand what LilyStark meant, they were giving a reminder to "certain" people who likely went through the same problem and it breaks their hearts seeing former clanmates accusing them of such.[playdummy 29] Storm responded by both giving links of ALL the prior Tournaments where the Phantoms were "involved"[playdummy 30], and to clear up a few details.[playdummy 31] They make it clear that only some players are being accused (namely Adios and Adad) and the controversies regarding bad sportsmanship appeared later on, and confirm that Adad was indeed part of the Phantoms but they express disapointment that nowadays, large Clans can't win, to the point a single-player Clan (see top section) was in the Top 8. Furthermore, they consider this Tournament a proof that the system is broken given how two players were able to gather 20,000+ Trophies just by playing with dummies; on the same note, Storm affirms that the the idea and how to use dummies didn't came from the Phantoms and they have reocrdings of Tournaments the Phantoms participated, to which they use to demonstrate the Trophy gathering of Adad during previous Tournaments, further proving that Adad wasn't playing dummy in the past Tournament but in this Tournament, they were.

Players kept expressing further disappointment in how the Tournament has dissolved into acussations and cheating, specially on the Clan who let the 2 players using dummies to acheive vitory, and hoped that the Tournament would either improve their rules or cancel altogether.[playdummy 32][playdummy 33][playdummy 34] In the next year, the developers decided to listen to the community and update the rules, which included no Clan hoping, no single player Clans, and last but not least, no Clans with dummy vikings.

Wrath of Stormheart (March 12th) was released in the middle of the Tournament (March 5th) and one of the rewards of the Expansion was a Baby-to-Adult Age-Up, often used to grow a recently hatched Sentinel[ageup 1] though a rather awful glitch plagued multiple players, the glitch in question would lock players from their Vikings upon using it on a Sentinel.[ageup 2] This caused Vikings from being unable to gather Trophies and/or finish the Expansion. In March 19th, the gltich has been fixed and the Tournament was extended.[ageup 3]


Irregularity 1

Irregularity 2

  1. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/admin-please-verify-these-trophies-earned
  2. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/admin-please-verify-these-trophies-earned#comment-677351
  3. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/admin-please-verify-these-trophies-earned#comment-677360
  4. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/admin-please-verify-these-trophies-earned#comment-677390
  5. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/admin-please-verify-these-trophies-earned#comment-677482
  6. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/stop-cheating#comment-681728
  7. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/stop-cheating#comment-793708
  8. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/stop-cheating#comment-793720
  9. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/stop-cheating#comment-793731
  10. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/final-round-clash-clans-starts-now-0#comment-684320
  11. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/final-round-clash-clans-starts-now-0#comment-684213
  12. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/final-round-clash-clans-starts-now-0#comment-684145
  13. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/final-round-clash-clans-starts-now-0#comment-685509
  14. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0
  15. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686704
  16. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686706
  17. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686708
  18. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686712
  19. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686715
  20. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686718
  21. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686799
  22. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686812
  23. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-686884
  24. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687093
  25. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687110
  26. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687103
  27. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687108
  28. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687182
  29. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687236
  30. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687440
  31. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687464
  32. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-687379
  33. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-688154
  34. http://forum.schoolofdragons.com/content/winner-clash-clans-2018%E2%80%A6-0#comment-689016

Irregularity 3