Battle Equipment/Weapons/Axe

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Axe is one of the main Weapon types, the Weapon has a Close-range Main Action and a Mid-range Second Action. It's the second longest list of available weapons (Element-separated individuals included) with a total of 49 Axes.

Main Second
Chop Axe Throw

For more information on the Element-affected attack, go here.

Stat Map

The list of the Axe's stats by Tier and Rarity. The Weapon primarily boosts Healpower File:Dt healpower.png and Critical Chance File:Dt critical chance.png.

Rarity Tier ATK HPR CRIT Health DEF
Common 1 1-14 1-5 1-23 10-30 1-2
2 27-41 11-16 47-70 60-90 5-7
3 54-68 21-27 94-117 120-150 9-12
Rare 1 14-21 5-11 23-47 30-60 2-5
2 41-54 16-21 70-94 90-120 7-9
3 68-81 27-32 117-140 150-180 12-14
Epic 1 27-41 11-16 47-70 60-90 5-7
2 54-68 21-27 94-117 120-150 9-12
3 81-95 32-37 140-164 180-210 14-16
Legendary 1 41-54 16-21 70-94 90-120 7-9
2 68-81 27-32 117-140 150-180 12-14
3 95-108 37-42 164-187 210-240 16-18

List of Axes

Price for store items is shown as "non-members (members)". "Limited-time" refers that the item is available in store only for a limited period of time.


Icon Name Tier Element Obtainability
Hatchet 1,2 S2 Ice.pngS2 Wild.png As loot drop.
Broad Axe 1 S2 Electric.pngS2 Gas.pngS2 Ice.pngS2 Wild.png As loot drop.
Ornate Axe 3 S2 Ice.pngS2 Focus.png As loot drop.


Icon Name Tier Element Obtainability
Hand Axe 1 S2 Ice.png As loot drop.
Heavy Axe 2 S2 Ice.pngS2 Rock.png As loot drop.
Fine Axe 3 S2 Gas.pngS2 Ice.png As loot drop.


Icon Name Tier Element Obtainability
Spiked Axe 1 S2 Ice.png
  • As loot drop.
  • In Store for 400 Gems (320).
Carved Axe 2 S2 Ice.pngS2 Rock.pngS2 Sonic.png As loot drop.
Battle Axe 3 S2 Gas.pngS2 Ice.png As loot drop.
Epic Deathgripper Axe 1 S2 Poison.png
Razorwhip Razor-Sharp Axe 1 S2 Razor.png
  • In Store for 400 Gems (320);
  • As loot drop.
Shining Shivertooth Axe 1 S2 Ice.png In Store for 400 Gems (320)
Singing Death Song Axe 1 S2 Paralysis.png
  • In Store for 400 Gems (320);
  • As loot drop.
Dreadfall Hatchet Dreadfall exclusive 1 S2 Paralysis.png In Store (Limited-Timed) for 300 Gems (240).
Mighty Dreadfall Hatchet Dreadfall exclusive 2 In Store (Limited-Time) for 400 Gems (320).
Exquisite Dreadfall Hatchet Dreadfall exclusive 3 In Store (Limited-Time) for 500 Gems (400).
Epic Seastormer Axe 2 S2 Electric.png As loot drop.
Wild Bewilderbeast Axe 1 S2 Ice.png
Epic Humbanger Axe 1 S2 Electric.png As loot drop.
Epic Zipplewraith Axe 1 S2 Electric.png As loot drop.


Icon Name Tier Element Obtainability
Odin's Storm 1-3 S2 Focus.pngS2 Ice.pngS2 Rock.png
  • As loot drop;
  • As a Blueprint.
Chieftain Axe 2 S2 Focus.pngS2 Ice.png
  • As loot drop;
  • As a Blueprint.
Defender Axe 3 S2 Focus.pngS2 Ice.png
  • As loot drop;
  • As a Blueprint.
Volatile Dreadfall Axe 1 S2 Gas.png
  • As loot drop;
  • As a Blueprint.
Paralyzing Dreadfall Axe 1, 3 S2 Paralysis.png
  • As loot drop;
  • As a Blueprint.
Venomous Dreadfall Axe 1 S2 Poison.png
  • As loot drop;
  • As a Blueprint.
Razorwhip Legendary Axe 1,3 S2 Razor.png
  • As loot drop;
  • As a Blueprint.
Pristine Death Song Axe 1 S2 Paralysis.png In Store (Limited-time) for 500 Gems (400).
Venomous Deathgripper Axe 1,2 S2 Poison.png
  • In Store (Limited-time) for 500 Gems (400);
  • As loot drop.
Legendary Seastormer Axe 1 S2 Electric.png As loot drop.
Pouncer Axe All S2 Agile.png As loot drop.
Legendary Hammer of Eret* 1 S2 Focus.png As loot drop.
Legendary Humbanger Axe 1 S2 Electric.png
Legendary Zipplewraith Axe 1 S2 Electric.png As loot drop.


  • In spite of Legendary Hammer of Eret being a Mace rather than an Axe, it uses the Axe Role and Actions.