The Wide, Open Sea

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File:Bucket icon.png

Mulch asked me to help him catch some angler fish for Johann the Trader, but I'm not having any luck. Did I forget how? I must doing it wrong.

Can you catch some fish at the school lake?

1- Catch fish from the School Lake (2)


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Wait, I just remembered somthing important. We can't catch angler fish at a lake! Angler fish are saltwater fish, so they only live in water that contains large amounts of salt like an ocean. Only freshwater fish live in lakes because they live in water that doesn't contain salt.

Earlier, I took Mulch's boat into the sea to catch angler fish. I was minding my own business when a giant dragon suddenly appeared! I hopped in my giant bucket and paddled out of there.

I had to leave a barrel of really valuable glowworms on the boat. They're really hard to get, so I can't lose them... Do you think you can find it for me? It should still be in the boat. I took the boat to my secret fishing spot.

The living things that survive in any area is called an ecosystem, and the angler fish has a role to play in their home. They live and thrive in the deep ocean, and that's the only place you can catch them.

2- Discover the fate of Mulch's ship  [fly outside the caldera, you are teleported to Explore the sea location] 


File:Bucket icon.png

You'll find the barrel on the ship!

3- Find the barrel of glowworms


File:Bucket icon.png

Bring the glowworms back to Mulch. He'll know what to do.

4- Bring the barrel to Mulch


File:Mulch icon.png

Bucket told me what happened. Did you find a big beastie out there?

Well these fish aren't going to catch themselves. Since we lost the boat, we'll need to create special tools to catch these fish. You see, their habitat, or the natural environment that an organism lives in, is in really deep waters. We'll need a special rod and a longer line to catch these fish.

I'll create a longer line using fibers from flax flowers. You see, fibers from flax flowers can be threaded into fine, thin rope that is both strong and reliable. Grow some flax flowers in your farm and bring me 6 of them.

5- Bring 6 flax flowers to Mulch 


File:Mulch icon.png

Perfect. Give me a moment and I'll get this fishing rod ready.

Items: 1 Deep Sea Rod, 10 Glowworm Bait


File:Fishlegs icon.png

You’ll need to fly back out to the sea where you saw Mulch’s boat. Try flying out of the caldera at the School!

I've sent a Gronckle ahead to help you: Gronckles can hover very steady, so you can fish from her back, if you don't have your own Gronckle.

6- Mount the Gronckle at the open ocean


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh wow. Mulch's ship IS wrecked!

You'll know when you see the spot - fish are just leaping out of the water there! Make sure you're with a Gronckle.

7- Fly the Gronckle over the fishing spot


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Nice job!

Alright! Can you catch 2 angler fish? Remember to use the glowworms as bait. Glowworms have something called bioluminescence - their bodies glow!

In the deep sea ecosystem, the water is very dark because the sunlight can't reach it. The glowworm's light in this dark environment attracts all the fish!

The Gronckle's saddlebags will contain your bait, click on those after you find a good spot over the water to fish from.

8- Catch 2 angler fish while flying the gronckle


File:Fishlegs icon.png


You should return to Mulch and give him the angler fish.

9- Give Mulch 2 Angler Fish


File:Mulch icon.png

Thank you laddie. I didn't know how I was going to do it! You saved my hide.

Known Glitches

Step 8: using a Gronckle will allow you to find a fishing spot, but clicking on the bait bags on your dragon will not show your baits, and you can't fish.

Solutions: A) go to another fishing spot (at School or Berk), click on your bait bag and on a Glowworm, then leave. This will keep the glowworm as bait ready on your fishing rod. Go back to the Open Sea, find the fishing spot again, and now it should directly show the fishing commands.

B) fish the 2 Angler in your farm's fishing spot, using the glowworms.


  • Before an unknown Update (potentially 21st of January, 2020's 3.5.0 with the Titan Hobgobbler Update), players could fish an angler in any type of fishing spot if using a glowworm, without the need to have a gronckle, bypassing the paywall. Currently, anglers can still be catched in your Farm, potentially working as a workaround for step 8.