Explore the Sea

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Open Sea is a Non-Member Location that was added in an unknown update, along with the quest The Wide, Open Sea.

The Player will be teleported on top of a small sea stack from a small, rocky island. Unlike some other locations, you cannot swim in the water, instead, you will be teleported to the sea stack. In front of the island, there's 3 small, wrecked ships with 3 fishing spots, which can be only be fished by using a Gronckle.

Behind the island, you can see The School, however, it isn't possible to reach it due being a teleporter to The School in the middle of the way.

Ways to Access

  • Via World Map
  • Via The School's Wide Wall Crack (quest exclusive)
  • Clicking on Whip and Lash (Quest exclusive)
  • V212 map.png

    World map

Fishing Spot

There's about 3 fishing spots, all Saltwater. If the player flies a Gronckle near the water, the Fishing Icon will eventually appear. Not only Saltwater fishes will appear but, if the player uses the Glowing Lugworms, Deep Water fishes (Angler Fish and Viper Fish) will appear.

Dragons that live here


  • This is the only place that the player can use a Gronckle to fish with.
File:Gronk fish.png
Fishing with a Gronckle - How it looks like


  • At some points, the water will rapidly flash from blue to white (it increases in the player is fishing), which can be awful to people with epilepsy or problems with flashing lights. It was fixed since.


Starter Berk Docks Dangerous Waters Dragon's Edge Hobblegrunt Island Impossible Island Isle of Berk The Great Hall New Berk Hidden World Open Sea Snotlout's Sentry Station Stormheart The School The Hatchery The Lookout The Farm Titan Island Training Grounds
Quest-only Gothi's Hut Outskirts of New Berk The Wilderness Whispering Death's Cave
Other Blacksmith Credits Island Job Board Stables Store
Icestorm Island
Icestorm Island Ice Caves File:Quest start.pngAurora Lights
Call of the Death Song
Melody Island Sven's Farm The Ship Graveyard
Battle for the Edge
Armor Wing Island Dragon's Edge Hideout Glacier Island Mudraker Island Scuttleclaw Island The Dark Deep Zippleback Island
Return to Dragon Island
Auction Island File:Quest start.pngClubhouse File:Quest start.pngDragon Hunter camp File:Quest start.pngDragon Hunter ship Dragon Island Eruptodon Island Helheim's Gate
File:Sotl icon.png
Secret of the Leviathan
Impossible Island Defender Ruins The Defender Labyrinth
File:RoS icon.png
Rise of Stormheart
Stormheart Underwater Section Tempest
File:WoS icon.PNG
Wrath of Stormheart
File:THW icon.png
The Hidden World
Hidden World Annex
File:Coth icon.png
Curse of the Hobgobbler
Hidden World File:Quest start.pngHobgobbler Nest
File:Summarhildr quest icon.png
Age of the Night Lights
Valka's Sanctuary Warlord Territory