Credits Island

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File:Cisle 1.png
Credits Island

Credits Island (Credits Isle or just Credit Island) is a very old Easter Egg that School of Dragons that was added in 1.6.0 (February 13, 2014).

Credits Island is a medium mountainous island, with a large, thin volcano in the middle, surrounded by fog and large gears. When the player enters, the player will be on a small, high grounded sea stack, with a wooden board and with 2 Viking stones "holding it", which is where the Credits are displayed. Both the larger isle and the smaller isle are connected with a wooden bridge.

If the player goes across the bridge, there's going to be an entrance, blocked by wooden planks, with the words "Coming Soon!" written on it.

Ways to Access

File:SoD options8.png
The Credits option

The only way to access it is by going to the Options menu. In the Options menu, there's a button named "Credits" with a exclamation mark, clicking said button will make the player teleport to Credits Island


  • Since it was discovered, the only thing that was changed in Credits Island was the textures (unknown Date), after that, it was never touched or even modified by any developer.
    • Because of it, it became extremely popular for being both mysterious and creepy due the fact nothing except for the textures was never changed. In addition, the water isn't correctly programmed, because of it, the player can easily get inside the gear zone.
    • People also spatulated that Credits Island was hinting at Dragon Island, however, even after Return to Dragon Island Expansion was released, Credits Island still hasn't changed.



Starter Berk Docks Dangerous Waters Dragon's Edge Hobblegrunt Island Impossible Island Isle of Berk The Great Hall New Berk Hidden World Open Sea Snotlout's Sentry Station Stormheart The School The Hatchery The Lookout The Farm Titan Island Training Grounds
Quest-only Gothi's Hut Outskirts of New Berk The Wilderness Whispering Death's Cave
Other Blacksmith Credits Island Job Board Stables Store
Icestorm Island
Icestorm Island Ice Caves File:Quest start.pngAurora Lights
Call of the Death Song
Melody Island Sven's Farm The Ship Graveyard
Battle for the Edge
Armor Wing Island Dragon's Edge Hideout Glacier Island Mudraker Island Scuttleclaw Island The Dark Deep Zippleback Island
Return to Dragon Island
Auction Island File:Quest start.pngClubhouse File:Quest start.pngDragon Hunter camp File:Quest start.pngDragon Hunter ship Dragon Island Eruptodon Island Helheim's Gate
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Secret of the Leviathan
Impossible Island Defender Ruins The Defender Labyrinth
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Rise of Stormheart
Stormheart Underwater Section Tempest
File:WoS icon.PNG
Wrath of Stormheart
File:THW icon.png
The Hidden World
Hidden World Annex
File:Coth icon.png
Curse of the Hobgobbler
Hidden World File:Quest start.pngHobgobbler Nest
File:Summarhildr quest icon.png
Age of the Night Lights
Valka's Sanctuary Warlord Territory