Dreadfall/2021/How to Play

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Within the Event, the game offers a total of 12 ways to gather Candy Candy, 3 of them are a one-time only way. The How to Play section from the Dreadfall Event includes shortcuts to the respective ways of gathering Candy, so that players can quickly head from one point to another point without having to walk and wait longer.

One-Time Only

Dreadfall Quests

In tradition to the seasonal Holidays, Dreadfall-themed quests are back and as the Event progresses, they will slowly be released, each rewarding the same amount of Candy.

Quest name Reward
Best Maze Ever 200 Candy
Unraveling Dreadfall 300 Candy
Dreadfully Delightful Decor 75 Candy
Tuffnut's Dreadful Contest 150 Candy


Major Minigames

One of the main features introduced with the Dreadfall Event has returned with 5 new ones, Daily Quests are repeteable quests with a time limit to be completed. Three quests from a pool of 20 are offered every day, and can be seen by clicking on the Dreadfall board in New Berk. After completing 2 of them, a variable amount of Candy is rewarded. This amount depends on the consecutive day the player has been doing the quests, not much different than the log-in rewards. This Event, all Dailies reward an extra 20 Candy, so completing all three gives an extra 60 Candy.

Eight Dragon Tactics levels have returned. They award candies once each every 20h, with more difficult levels awarding more candies, for a total of 235 Candy. While the increase of difficulty stated is similar to the Icestorm Levels, in practice they are easier to complete, even with lower level dragons. They also reward Aurora Skill Armor that can be exchanged for Candy.
Level Reward
Dreadful Bites 15 Candy
Gastly Gashings 15 Candy
Deadly Dangers 25 Candy
Mystery at Midnight 25 Candy
Grim Guides 30 Candy
Darkness Descends 35 Candy
Horrifying Haunt 40 Candy
Creeps and Chills 50 Candy

Known glitches

  • When playing a Dreadfall level, the game may be prone to get a server time out or a log out.

Three returning racing tracks are back for the Dreadfall event, and along with Forbidding Ice are currently the only tracks available in multi-racing:Dread Corridor, Doomed Lake, and the newcomer Dreadfall Valley. Completing each one in single player will award 5 Candy each every 20 hours, while competing in multi-player will award a higher quantity of candies, depending on the final place:
Place Candy
1st 40 Candy
2nd 20 Candy
3rd 10 Candy
Below 3rd place/DNF 5 Candy
Candies in multi-player are also awarded once per track every 20h.

Special Stable Missions that award candies have been reintroduced for the event. There are a total of 30 returning quests, all appear in the 4th slot, and to save players time in discarding missions, all other normal missions for the slot have been temporarily removed. They award 5-150 Candy, and can last from 1 to 48 hours. Longer missions award a higher number of candies.

Battle Events had an image update in line with the event, with 2 dreadful ghost ships appearing instead of the usual one. Their HP has been increased with respect to their normal counterparts, and they only award Candy instead of mystery chests:
  • Dreadfall Scout, 12,000 HP, with a green aura
  • Dreadfall Scout, 15,000 HP, with a red aura

The amount of candies awarded depends on the result:

Place Red Aura Green Aura
Gold tier 40 Candy 30 Candy
Silver tier 30 Candy 25 Candy
Bronze tier 20 Candy 15 Candy
Defeat 10 Candy

Known Glitches

There are many glitches linked to battle events:

  • The ships' HP will show a negative number. This usually do not prevent the players to take down the ship, and it will often fall at some point. But, not being able to see how much hp it has left is a disadvantage
  • The ship won't take damage. This is always the case if you notice the ship doesn't fire back at the players. Change server as soon as possible when this is the case, and hopefully find a non-glitched ship. However, you can find also normal ships with this glitch, and you will only notice at the end when the ship hp will freeze at some low number. Or, if you have also the previous glitch, there's no way to tell your ship is an "invincible" one.
  • The ship will stop taking damage at the end, this means if the ship may occasionally stop at, for example, 20/15000 HP and players will get the Defeat reward.

Minor Minigames

During the Dreadfall event, regular treasure chests that spawn around in all the game locations are substituted with Dreadfall chests. They can only be bought with Gems, and award a variable amount of Candy, with more expensive chests usually awarding a proportionally larger quantity.
Appearance Variant Price Amount given
File:Dreadfall chest silver.png Silver 50 Gems 30-100 Candy
File:Dreadfall chest gold.png Gold 150 Gems 75-225 Candy
File:Dreadfall chest platinum.png Platinum 250 Gems 200-350 Candy