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File:Achieve trophy.png
Award for the Most Beloathed Infobox by a former Staff member and a CC Admin.
And it will still thrive vividly.


File:! icon.png

This template is used in the trainable Dragon's pages. For an Untrainable Dragons, use Template:DragonInfo Untrain.

As for March 3rd, 2022, ALL Stat data will be associated with the Stat Database to allow an easier Stat update routine.

Welcome to DragonInfo, the infobox that hosts the major information of a Dragon.

How to Use

Basic Information

Down below is a rundown of all the features, what are they for, and how to use them. Be careful on how you write each parameter, they are case sensitive, writing "Image" (wrong) isn't the same as "image" (correct).

  • Name is what will appear on the main header of the Infobox. It uses "{{PAGENAME}}" as the default, though for Sub-Species like the Fire Terror, do "|Name = [Sub-Species Name].
  • Image is the main picture that will represent the Dragon on the Infobox. It should be a picture of the Dragon's in-game model render from an official announcement post, and add "|image = [image name and file]" (ex.: |image = chimeragon Infobox.png) to the Infobox. If there is no official posts with it, use a screenshot from the game with a Hero skin wearing Dragon under a good, default lighting, OR create a render with the Dragon's model (done by Admins though used as a last resort).
    • If the Dragon has a Special Skin and/or a Titan Stage, use the gallery tag to add the in-game model render of the Special Skin and/or the Titan Stage. Do NOT use the tabber tag, or else it will break the Infobox. The same last resorts also apply here. To add the gallery tag, do:
|image = <gallery>
Gronckle Infobox.png|Normal
Earthgronk.png|Earth Gronckle
Titan gronckle.png|Titan
  • Class is the category the Dragon belongs to according to its characteristics and what School of Dragons decided to label them as. It only requires the name of the Class because the Infobox will autofill it with the name and the corresponding icon. For instance, doing "|Class = Tidal" will give "Tidal Tidal Class".
  • Release Date is when the Dragon was released to the game, whether it be in Store or through an Event. It goes by MM DD, YY (e.g. February 24th, 2022). For double or more release dates within one Species (e.g. Skrillknapper), use a bullet list (*[What you want to list], then enter and add another "*", repeat) and order the release dates from oldest to newest.
  • Availability is how obtainable is the Dragon, or for lack of better word, who can obtain the Dragon. Usually, the Dragon is available at the Store, therefore, everyone can obtain it (|Availability = Everyone). If the Dragon is either locked behind Membership, an Expansion, a Limited-Time Sale, or an Event, use:
    • Membership Locked: Membership Exclusive.
    • Expansion Locked: Expansion Exclusive.
    • Limited-Time Sale Locked: Limited-Time Exclusive.
    • Event Locked: Event Exclusive
  • Availability also follows the same rule as Release Date, from oldest to newest, add the availability changes.
|Availability =
*Event Exclusive (December 15th, 2020)
*Everyone (July 8th, 2021)
  • Model Type are special guide labels from the Book of Standards for Dragon Pages to help us map down how the Dragon's gallery should look like. To summarize:
  • To help identify who's OMA and who's RMA/HMA, check the Chronological Release List - whoever came first with an animation model is considered as an OMA, and RMA/HMA to any other that borrows it (hence why Shockjaw is considered as RMA for borrowing the Night Fury's model animation).


Update 2.13 increased the library of Dragon Stats from simple racing and firing data, to three categories each filled with a lot of data. The Infobox seperates them into four sections:

  • Racing: The stats that determine your Dragon's agility and speed for Thunder Run Racing.
  • Battle: The stats that determine your Dragon's shot damage and endurance for Battle Events.
  • Combat: The stats that determine your Dragon's strenght and defense skills in Dragon Tactics.
  • Skills: The 1st and 2nd skill determine both the Stable Mission your Dragon can aid/participate in, and the Role (1st Skill) and Element (2nd Skill) in Dragon Tactics.

Before March 3rd, 2022, editors had to manually edit all the Stat data in any other page whenever it was changed, the Infobox included. Now, the Stat data is all encapsuled in a Database - the Infobox is directly connected to it by using the template within its coding (e.g. {{Stat|Night Fury|Damage}} gives 28) so any changes that occurs in that Database, it will affect the Infobox's Stat display.


When a player is interested to buy a Dragon, one of the few things they would like to see is how much they cost to plan out their journey to buy it (or purchase it on the spot). The listing functions similiar to the Class parameter.

  • For the Store prices, you have PriceNM and PriceM, which stand for Price Non-Member and Price Member respectively. Do:
|PriceNM = 250
|PriceM = 200
  • To list the prices.
  • For the UDT, you first have to mark down how many UDT Points UDT Points are required to unlock the egg, do "|UDT = 50,000". Just like the former, you have UDTNM and UDTM - UDT Non-Member and UDT Member respectively. Use the same format as the previous parameter.

If the Dragon doesn't have a UDT release, devoid from adding the UDT parameter.

Empty Template

|Name = 
|image = 
|Class = 
|Release Date = 
|Availability = 
|Model Type = 
|PriceNM = 
|PriceM = 
|UDT = 
|UDTM = 


|Name = Gronckle
|image = <gallery>
Gronckle infobox.png|Normal
Earthgronk.png|Earth Gronckle
Titan gronckle.png|Titan
|Class = Boulder
|Release Date = July 17th, 2013 (Released with SoD's release)
|Availability = Everyone
|Model Type = Original Animation
|Titan = Yes
|PriceNM = 250
|PriceM = 200
|UDT = 7,500
|UDTNM = 2,700
|UDTM = 2,400

results in...

|Name = Slithersong
|image = slithersong infobox.png
|Class = Mystery
|Release Date = January 29th, 2016 
|Availability = Everyone
|Model Type = Original Animation
|PriceNM = 500
|PriceM = 400

results in...