Snoggletog/2019/How to Play

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Within the Event, the game offers a total of 12 ways to gather Cookies, 3 of them are a one-time only way. The How to Play section from the Snoggletog Event includes shortcuts to the respective ways of gathering Cookies, so that players can quickly head from one point to another point without having to walk and wait longer.

One-Time Only

Snoggletog Quests

In tradition to the seasonal Holidays, Snoggletog-themed quests are back and there's 4 of them, each rewarding a bigger amount of Cookies than the other. Within the Quests, players get to see the Night Lights up close.

Quest name Reward
Bringing Family Home 1 Cookie Jar Basic
Those lil Rascals! 1 Cookie Jar Common
Ooh, they're in trouble... 1 Cookie Jar Good
The True Meaning 1 Cookie Jar Super


Major Minigames

One of the main features introduced with the Snoggletog Event, Daily Quests are repeteable quests with a time limit to be completed. Three quests from a pool of 10 are offered every day, and can be seen by clicking on the Snoggletog board in New Berk. After completing 2 of them, a Cookie Jar is rewarded. The type depends on the consecutive day the player has been doing the quests, not much different than the log-in rewards.

Known glitches

  • After reaching Day 5, the game will not reset to Day 1 right the next day, and instead the Daily Quests will be unavailable for 24 hours. This makes the cycle 6 days long, with a "lost day" included. While often mistaken for a glitch, it is a fixed feature that dragged from the Dreadfall Event. It is not clear if it's intentional or not, as no official response has been received to the numerous complaints.

Eight Dragon Tactics levels were released with the Snoggletog Update, and they will probably be time limited. They award Cookie Jars once each every 20h, with more difficult levels awarding better Jars. The increase of difficulty is not steep as in Dreadfall or Icestom island ones, with enemies' max level being 30.

Currently, this is the best method of gathering Cookie Jars as unlike its predecessor, it's the least glitchiest method yet.

Level Reward
Astrid Training 1 Cookie Jar Basic
OI OI OI 1 Cookie Jar Basic
Berserker on the Prowl 1 Cookie Jar Basic
Challenge Of Your Life 1 Cookie Jar Common
Bahum-dragon 1 Cookie Jar Common
Bring it On! 1 Cookie Jar Common
Icy Showdown 1 Cookie Jar Good
Frosty Frenzy 1 Cookie Jar Good

Known glitches

  • The game will freeze at the end of a level, AFTER you receive the jar (so you still get it), but before you receive the xp and other rewards.
Solution: the only thing you can do is reload the game. The cookie jar will be in your event inventory, you just lose on the other rewards.

Two new themed racing tracks have been introduced for the Snoggletog event, that together with Snoggletog Raceway are currently the only available in multi-racing:Hidden Lights and Path of Ancients. Completing each one in single player will award 1 Dragon Cookie each every 20h, while competing in multi-player will award a higher quantity of Cookies, depending on the final place:
Place Cookie
1st 1 Cookie Jar Common
2nd 1 Cookie Jar Basic
3rd 5 Candy Cane Cookie
4th 1 Dragon Cookie

Cookies in multi-player are also awarded once per track every 20h.

Known glitches

  • Players have been reporting being stuck on an infinite loading at the start of the race, allowing others to get an advantage at getting the higher prizes.

Special Stable Missions that award Cookies have been introduced for the event. There are a total of 10 new quests, all appear in the 4th slot, and to save players time in discarding missions, all other normal missions for the slot have been temporarily removed. They award 15-480 Dragon Cookie, and can last from 1h30m to 48 hours. Longer missions award a higher number of Cookies.

Known glitches

  • A thought-to-be fixed glitch called "Dragons out of Stables" glitch is a dreaded glitch within the SoD community as it kicks the Dragons out of their Stables, resetting ALL Stable Missions, including those who were in progress. This might be caused by players joining the game through the Shortcuts at the Viking List screen too many times, specially the Stables Shortcut.

Possible Solution:

Move all the Dragons back to the Stables OUTSIDE the Stables and avoid joining the game from the shortcut as much as you can, make sure the last place you visited was not the Stables. If a Mission has been completed, access the Stables MANUALLY and not by clicking "HERE" in the System Chat.

Even Battle Events had an image update in line with the event, with 2 Groncicle ships appearing instead of the usual one. Their HP has been increased with respect to their normal counterparts, and they only award Cookie Jars instead of mystery chests:
  • Glacial Longboat, 14,000 HP
  • Icy Shooter, 11,000 HP, because the game can't accept "shooter", the game renames the ship to "Icy Schooner".

The amount of Cookies awarded depends on the result:

Place Cookie
Gold tier 1 Cookie Jar Common
Silver tier 1 Cookie Jar Basic
Bronze tier 3 Candy Cane Cookie
Defeat 1 Dragon Cookie

Known Glitches

  • Ship shows negative HP [desktop version]

Solution: This is usually just a cosmetic glitch on your end, go on battling and if the ship is defeated you will get the victory screen and rewards.

  • "Can't show rewards" after defeating the ship

Possible solution: a player mentioned that closing that window and quickly shut down the game can save your rewards. Once you get back in the game, your active dragon will have the additional xp and the prize jar will be in your backpack. It looks like it works rarely or only for some players though.

  • Ship HP is kept at max even if players are shooting at it.

Solution: briefly turn MMO off and on again, you should now see the HP decreasing. However, more often than not, you will get one of the unavoidable glitches listed below, at the end of the battle

  • Ship get stuck at the end of its tour, or can't be defeated as some Hp get stuck; you don't get the winning/rewards screen at the end. These glitches have no known solution so far,

Minor Minigames

During the Snoggletog Event, regular treasure chests that spawn around in all the game locations are substituted with Snoggletog chests. They can only be bought with Gems, and award a variable amount of Cookie Jars, with more expensive chests usually awarding a proportionally larger quantity or better type.
Appearance Variant Price Amount given
File:Snoggletog chest metal.png Metal 50 Gems 33 Cookie Jar Basic OR

5 Cookie Jar Common OR
2 Cookie Jar Good

File:Snoggletog chest gold.png Gold 150 Gems 33 Cookie Jar Basic OR

15 Cookie Jar Common OR
7 Cookie Jar Good OR
3 Cookie Jar Super

File:Snoggletog chest platinum.png Platinum 250 Gems 55 Cookie Jar Basic OR

25 Cookie Jar Common OR
10 Cookie Jar Good

Known glitches

  • Gathering too many Cookie Jars are once will lock the Cookie Jars up and only open half or a third of them, attempting at opening the rest will result in a fail pop-up.

Arctic animals (except Puffin) and the Snoggletog Elk will reward 15-240 Dragon Cookie instead of their normal products for the duration of the event. They will probably go back to their usual products when the event ends.
Animal Cookie Time
Bunny 15 30 mins
Turkey 15 30 mins
Snoggletog Elk 75 2h 30 mins
Arctic Fox 240 8 hours

Known Glitches

  • Extremely laggy, animals show spinning gears and can't be fed/collected;
  • Fed animals return to unfed status;
  • Animals that should be ready to harvest behave like they have just been fed;
  • Sometimes, animals will auto-fed themselves after harvesting them.
Solutions: Exiting out of the Farm if the animals can't be harvested or fed seems to fix this, this will often result in the auto-feed glitch.